Needing help with another issue - smoking



  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Im quitting on Weds. I have 4 more packs and I decided that would be my quit day. I am soooo NERVOUS! I am working so hard to lose weight and get in shape, I dont want this to blow all of this!!! :(
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    I am an ex smoker of only a 2mo. I smoked everyday for 6yrs. Once I started all of this I thought it would be better to do it all and not have it be " A DIET" but a new way of life. I have not given anything up (but smoking and reg pop). I took chantix for 2week and I stopped after the 6th day it was hard but worth it. I can do my work outs and not be winded because I smoke. The best thing of quitting was I dont SMELL any more no matter how clean you are or how much you think you dont smell to a non smoker you REAK :sick: or it. Im here for you if you need anything. Its hard but you can do it. :smile:
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    I am an ex smoker of only a 2mo. I smoked everyday for 6yrs. Once I started all of this I thought it would be better to do it all and not have it be " A DIET" but a new way of life. I have not given anything up (but smoking and reg pop). I took chantix for 2week and I stopped after the 6th day it was hard but worth it. I can do my work outs and not be winded because I smoke. The best thing of quitting was I dont SMELL any more no matter how clean you are or how much you think you dont smell to a non smoker you REAK :sick: or it. Im here for you if you need anything. Its hard but you can do it. :smile:
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
    Awesome job taking the first step and quitting. I quit a little over a year ago and have not looked back. Like everyone has already said you have to REALLY want it. If you don't it's only a matter of time before you start again. I found straws helped a lot and holding my lighter in my hand. I never had a smoke, but the lighter just calmed my nerves for some reason. Lots and lots of water and support from the people around you. Also a web site that helped was The people there were a huge support for me and watching how much a saved and how much of my life I gained back really made a difference.

    That is so weird, I hold my lighter in my hand while I drive. The car is a big trigger for me, & holding the lighter seems to calm me. Today, I have been 11 days (and counting) cigarette free. I use the patch, I still crave, but don't feel lke I am going insane 24hrs, a day. I wish you all the best with this.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Your working hard on losing weight making good choices of what goes into your body correct? SO then that wont change Now your adding that you will stop poisoning yourself too. On Wednesday Your making the most awesome choice for your life to live longer, to make exercise easier and it is easier once your no longer winded, Food will taste better not right away but it does which is good because your eating better too.
    Exercise when your having a really hard time, go for a walk, do sit ups, jumping jacks anything to get you through those cravings. And well then you wont make the non will power choice. YOU HAVE THE POWER, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF YOU CAN DO IT!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Great choice in non smoking! I quit one year ago. I still have cravings every now and then but they are easier to ignore and less frequent. I quit using Chantix. I worked closely with my family doctor who is also an ex smoker. It was hard depending on the situation, but knowing that I feel better, smell better, and have saved over $2000 is a big incentive! Some days it is one hour at a time, then one day, then a week, you can do this if you really want! Keep up the great work and know there is wonderful support out there and here!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Day 4 Smoke Free. I am going to get fitted for my running shoes today. I can't think of a better way to celebrate!
    How are you all doing?
    Terri, PoolCue, Chaz, qtpiesmom, LG??? You can do it!!!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Good Job Jenny and its awesome that your getting running shoes I love mine!
    Just so you all know I have been a non smoker for almost 3 years August 1st! I just know how hard it is to quit without someone supporting you, talking you down off that I need one. I have helped my sister and my hubby also quit.
    Im so glad I quit when I did and HATE the smell of it now YUCK LOL

    I think everyone should post their reasons for quitting and maybe help others to make this choice :)

    One of the main reasons I quit is for 8 years now my mom has had emphysema and Ive watched her health decline and know without a lung transplant our time with her is limited. When she first got on oxygen they gave her 5 years to live and we are 3 years longer today. My mom has always been one of the strongest women I have even known, seeing how much this awful disease has taken from her hurt my heart. Watching my little brother and sister having to take care of her, devoting their lives to her I cant say how grateful I am for them, they were 13 and 15 when she was diagnosed. I smoked since I was 12 years old and was 37 when I quit 25 years of killing myself slowly. I now have 2 little boys 8 and 3 and thought about how they would handle me being on oxygen and knowing Im close to dying, I couldnt bare burdening them with that type of thing because its horrible and hard to be living as a 40 year old.

    Here are some things that happen to your body when you quit

    * In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal.
    * In 8 hours the carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) levels in your blood stream will drop by half, and oxygen levels will return to normal.
    * In 48 hours your chance of having a heart attack will have decreased. All nicotine will have left your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to a normal level.
    * In 72 hours your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy levels will increase.
    * In 2 weeks your circulation will increase, and it will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks.
    * In 3 to 9 months coughing, wheezing, and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10%.
    * In 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will have dropped by half.
    * In 5 years your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
    * In 10 years your risk of lung cancer will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
    * In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    I am 5 days smoke free since 2 hours ago. Today seems easy some how, maybe it's because I am keeping myself busy. Keep up the good work everybody.

  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    It gets easier each day PC CONGRADS ON 5 DAYS
  • iaho1976
    iaho1976 Posts: 49
    Attempting to join you guys today. Day 1 done but back in the office tomorrow which is going to be hard......

    Good luck and well done to those who have quit already.

  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Good Job IAN At work DONT go outside stay at your desk, keep water & gum with you. Tell everyone that you have stopped nothat your trying that you have and need their support.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Good Job IAN At work DONT go outside stay at your desk, keep water & gum with you. Tell everyone that you have stopped nothat your trying that you have and need their support.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Well, I've gone 2 full days and a wakeup without smoking. The patch really seems to be helping. I think about cigarettes, but I'm not craving them. I know I am a non-smoker now. I just have to use the patch for a while to step down my nicotine addiction. Breaking the habit is going easier than I thought it would. Even some of my biggest triggers have passed without me even thinking of a smoke until after - then I feel amazed that I forgot to want a cigarette!

    I already feel better and am breathing easier. Most of all I love that I don't smell like a cigarette and I don't have to stop what I'm doing and go smoke. it's liberating! I also feel great that I am no longer poisoning my body. When the odd urge does strike, I remind myself that it's my choicel. I have cigarettes available, but I choose not to smoke them. Somehow having a few at my disposal helps me. I'm not being deprived of something. I have it, I just don't choose it. I know I will not smoke again. My mind is strong, my reasons are concrete and the patch is helping with the physical addiction.

    Jenny, Poolcue and all my other pals, you guys are doing awesome! I'm so happy for each of you. Our new lifestyles are going to lead to more time and energy to enjoy the blessings in our lives. Isn't it the best feeling ever?
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    It is a great feeling indeed. I dont' even want a cigarette in the morning anymore. It was nice to go swimming with the family yesterday and was able to do stuff with the kids without being winded. I am pretty sure I am 6 days smoke free now. I try not to count anymore, it's good I guess, it's just going to phase out all together.

  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Great Job Terri and Poolcue... I am having a hard day because I forgot to put my patch on. I have to go to court this afternoon and will probably be a little stressed....
    You guys are more help than you know... I know I have support from my family and friends, but you all are great because you really understand and are going through it too.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Great Job Terri and Poolcue... I am having a hard day because I forgot to put my patch on. I have to go to court this afternoon and will probably be a little stressed....
    You guys are more help than you know... I know I have support from my family and friends, but you all are great because you really understand and are going through it too.

    I'd be a basket case without my patch. I actually had to make my husband turn around and go back home Saturday becauase I forgot to put it on after my shower. He hates to turn around, but I told him that I am a non-smoker now and this is what I need to do, unless he wanted one very *****y wife to spend the day with. He turned around, and even smiled about it :-)
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35

    I'd be a basket case without my patch. I actually had to make my husband turn around and go back home Saturday becauase I forgot to put it on after my shower. He hates to turn around, but I told him that I am a non-smoker now and this is what I need to do, unless he wanted one very *****y wife to spend the day with. He turned around, and even smiled about it :-)

    LMAO at Terri, that's funny right there. It's more like a ritual for me on the chantix now, wake up I take my morning pill, when I get home from work I take my second one for the day. Today was also pretty stressful for me then I told myself, I am the one that makes me stress so I clear my mind and go on. Tomorrow will be a better day.

    Jen, good luck at where you need to go today. I am sure it's something minor and there will be no stress, remember you stress is something that we create for ourselves, just clear your mind and all will be good tomorrow.

  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    LMAO Terri! I thought about going back and thought... Oh this wont be too bad.. Wellllll.. any way. I made it through the day adn did not cuss anyone out or explode... All is good.,, :) I have anger issues.... :happy:
    Thanks again for being here guys!!!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    You guys are doing great. You can do it. My two year anniversary smoke free is coming up this week and I'm kinda excited about it. Keep up the good work!