Needing help with another issue - smoking



  • Good Job everyone whom is still not smoking!!! Keep it up. After about 2 weeks it gets easier and feels normal to not smoke. When I quit I and some suckers and some nut mixes in the car( is where i missed the cigarettes the most, I still eat nuts in the car now). I also bought like 10 packs of gum and chewed that when i wanted to smoke.
    Good Job everyone!!!
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    Another day another dollar. No incident no smokes and got to workout on p90x plyo, needless to say couldn't finish the whole dvd, got about half done. Figure this is my test week with my no sm
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    No smoking, next week No smoking and all in on the workout. Wish me luck guys.

  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey All.
    Another Non smoker. I smoked for almost 25 years. For those who quit, great job. I wish I was smarter years ago..

    It's been 37 days and I've avoided 934 Cancer sticks. I would smoke 3 smokes on my way to work in 20-30 min drive.
    I basically quit cold turkey with help of Champix..
    I also used a straw and gum .

    This website helped.

    This FREE 200 page Ebook was VERY informative, and a lot of stuff I was not aware of as a smoker.

    The Ebook talks about the excuses we make as smokers, when we're bored, stressed etc.

    I like the chapter about the Smoker your friend.(Chapter 2)
    little clip....
    How do you feel about a friend who has to go everywhere with
    you? Not only does he tag along all the time, but since he is so
    offensive and vulgar, you become unwelcome when with him. He
    has a peculiar odor that sticks to you wherever you go. Others think
    both of you stink.

    He controls you totally. When he says jump, you jump. Sometimes
    in the middle of a blizzard or storm, he wants you to come to the store
    and pick him up. You would give your spouse hell if he or she did that
    to you all the time, but you can’t argue with your friend. Sometimes,
    when you are out at a movie or play he says he wants you to go stand
    in the lobby with him and miss important scenes. Since he calls all
    the shots in your life, you go.

    A co worker once told me about 10 years or so ago.
    Who has the control.

    Cigarette has control of us.. or
    We have control of the cigarettes.

    Thanks Robby.... I never forgot what you said.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Hey, you new non smokers looks like things are going well for you. Thumper, I used every single day for the first week (at least) his little videos are not very slick, but they really helped me maintain my commitment to "never take another puff" I'm coming up on Friday with my 2 year anniversary.

    I really want to be an encouragement to you guys. I know how hard it is and how mentally tough you have to be. Sometimes non-smoking family & friends are less than impressed with what you are doing because they don't understand. . . well, I do understand - keep up the good work. It will get easier.
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    Okay, today is day 9 for me. I feel good, so I am going to try to quit my chantix today as well. I brought them with me to work, but I am going to try to NOT take them. Wish me luck guys and gals.

  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Thumper - I love that bit from the book about your friend the smoker. I never thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense.

    LG - thanks for the encouragement. Only an ex-smoker can understand how difficult this is.

    PC - Good luck to you! I tried to give up the patches yesterday. I made it 12 hours before I had to put one on. So far today I've gone 11 hours. I have very long days since I get up with my husband at 3:30 a.m. and we don't get to bed till around t0. So, for the better part of my day I can do ok. I'll get those other hours eventually!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Good Luck PC!!
    You can do it... I am going to stop my patch when I run out, which should be in the next few days... I think that it will be over the weekend which will be much easier than at work... CONGRATS TO YOU!!!
    Let us know if you need us!
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    No Chantix today, I think I might be good to go, but for the next few days until all the chantix is out of my system, just in case. AS for my diet and workout, today was a bust. Had to go to a sport banquet today so I am over on the food calories and don't have the time to do my workout. At least I didn't sneak out and smoke a cigarette. So, how is everyone doing?

  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    WOW! I did not smoke today or have a patch.... I did how ever have the same day you had yesterday! Thanks!!! I think it is contagious:bigsmile:
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    I'm not a smoker but as a daughter who broke/threw-out/flushed her parents cigarettes every day I say GOOD LUCK!! Quitting is going to be one of the best things you've ever done for yourself. You sound like you're ready to quit and from what I hear that is the biggest feat.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    One thing I've noticed, when I walk outside past some smokers, or when a friend of mine still smokes.
    It's amazing, how thick of a fog it is. It's not just the smell, it's the thickness of the smoke.
    But when I was a smoker, I didn't notice it.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Hey, non-smokers! You may be noticing one of the nicest side effects of quitting by now- you no longer stink! When you approach non-smoking friends and co-workers they no long have to brace themselves against the onslaught of stink of tobacco smoke that you carried with you. If you don't notice it on your smoking acquaintances now you will soon. Congrats on smelling better!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    HEY GUYS How is everyone doing?
    And I agree smelling better is huge I HATE the smell now its gross.
    Another upside food tastes better too :)
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Doing fine today.. Still not smoking, but I am in a bit of a funk... I hope that I feel better tomorrow..... so this makes it day 9....:)
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    JenyFur, I'm familiar with the funk you're in. It isn't always acknowledged that smoking does more for a person than just a nicotine rush. Smoking does affect your mood, and the "blues" can be a side effect of quitting. Please know that it gets better. One good thing is the time of year-as daylight extends you can spend more time outdoors which should help.

    Identify the funk as a side effect of your new healthier lifestyle, determine to wait it out and you'll succeed!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Thanks LG! I never even thought about that... Makes a lot of sense... I did get off my butt and exercise today and have dance class later.. That should also cheer me up.
    I should be getting some work done, but all I really want to do is take a nap... It is Sunday afternoon, Right...:)
    Thanks again for the support! It really does help.
    Enjoy your day!
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    Made it past the weekend, it was a little tough. Just kept myself busy with yard work, cleaning out gutters, and minor roof repair. It's all worth it, now I just wish my body isn't sore from all them work, LOL.

    How is everybody doing so far?

  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    Never really thought how bad I smelled until today. I had someone came into my office that just got done smoking a cigarette outside, wow I almost didn't make it. Just picture that's why I used to smell like, I am really glad I made this decision. Keep up the great work guys and gals.

  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Good Job PC! You should be so proud of yourself. Keep up the good work. I have made it through another day.. Still in a slump. I over ate a bunch today, but it is not too late to exercise. I should get off my butt!!! I know that you are glad you don't smell anymore!!! I know I am.
    Keep up the good work!!
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