Needing help with another issue - smoking



  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Jenny, you are amazing to make it through the day with no assistance, especially since everyone you came in contact with made it through unscathed as well. I'm proud of you and bow to your amazing strength. :bigsmile:
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    This evening was a little tough, was going to workout and do P90X, but wife's friend asked her to go for a walk as their exercise so I had to watch all three kids. I sometimes wonder when will I actually be able to workout and lose weight. At least I am still not smoking, only one dum dum pop today, so even though I didn't get to workout, but not smoking is a greater achievement at the moment.

  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    This evening was a little tough, was going to workout and do P90X, but wife's friend asked her to go for a walk as their exercise so I had to watch all three kids. I sometimes wonder when will I actually be able to workout and lose weight. At least I am still not smoking, only one dum dum pop today, so even though I didn't get to workout, but not smoking is a greater achievement at the moment.


    Keep up with the no-smoking. Just think, when you do get to exercise you'll be able to do more and not be as winded. You'll get the workouts in, you are dedicated and you will find a way.
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    Officially smoke free for 7 days. It seems weird though, not smoking that is. I actually have more energy during the day and I require less sleep during the night.

  • scopelk
    scopelk Posts: 43
    chantix worked for me but took three times.. smoke free for almost a year
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    In 5 hours I will have my official first 24 hours smoke free out of the way. I am doing it cold turkey. Trying to quit at the same time as husband ins't easy. Either he is just being a complete a** or I am over sensitive. I am positive thought it's his fault.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    In 5 hours I will have my official first 24 hours smoke free out of the way. I am doing it cold turkey. Trying to quit at the same time as husband ins't easy. Either he is just being a complete a** or I am over sensitive. I am positive thought it's his fault.

    Good for you! I'm sure it's all his fault, lol. I tried cold turkey but I had a relapse and started using the patch on Friday. Haven't smoked since! We'll kick this together.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    PC, you are doing great. I'm on day 4 with no relapses. Day 7 if I hadn't messed up on Friday. I figured out today that I am an emotional smoker. Outside of the habit, which I am doing great at breaking, I smoke when I'm upset/nervous/stressed. I don't often cry, but I figured out today that I sure do miss my cigarettes when I do. This is the hardest day so far, and it was fine until "life" happened. Still not going to give in, though. I dont want that nasty poison in my body ever again.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Its is a hard thing to change this habit because as smokers we use it for everything, stress, being upset, mad, bored, happy and you have to find other ways to deal with that. Also I found all the things I used to not do to go have a smoke. Having more time is also a great thing.

    Cassie tomorrow is your big day remember we are all here for you so come to us as you need. BE STRONG
    Stellcorb how is the book coming


    Know you smell better today :)
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Hang tough, guys. This is a mental battle as much or more than a physical battle. Wanting a cigarette really, really badly and not getting one won't kill you, even though it seems like it will. I'm rooting for you!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Ok.. So I think that I have lied about how many days... I haven't had a smoke since Thursday morning... Darn I thought it was more. Anyway so this is really day 5... Oh well... Today was good. It wasn't a stressful day and I remembered my patch and put one in my purse just in case.... Remember that one Terri...:)
    I am too lazy and distracted to quote everyone, but we are all doing well and welcome to anyone else who came on that is having the same issues we are.
    PC.....I say put them on leashes and take them for a walk....:)

    Congrats to us alll.....
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I made it through another day with no relapse. Even though I still think about cigarettes sometimes, I don't WANT one. It's more of a passing thought. The way I handle to the times when I do crave one is easy. I just remind myself that I can have one if I really want it. Knowing it's up to me, my decision to make, keeps me on course. I don't want one, so I don't have one. I know it's a temporary feeling and I will feel much better for not giving in.

    Congrats everyone, and thank you all so much for your support. You all have made this so much easier than I thought it would be.
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    Jen, 5 days or 6 days doesn't matter, as long as we quit, right? That's a good idea about the leashes, but just got to watch out for DCFS, J/K.

    Terri, I was doing the very same thing in the beginning, aways had cigarettes with me, but now I don't carry them anymore as this last pack will get framed and put on my bedroom wall to remind me this is my last pack of smokes(when I go get the shadow box over the weekend)

    What's funny is, I actually need a lighter for work, but yesterday when I dig for my lighter in my pocket and it wasn't there, and I realized and told my co-worker I quit smoking and had to run to the store to go buy a lighter.

    I am feeling so good not smoking and be able to workout without running out of breath.

  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Too funny PC. Can you imagine last week at this time, leaving for work without making sure you had your lighter? I know it was one of my last "checks" before I left the house each day. Keys - check, cigs - check, lighter - check. Life is a lot less complicated without smoking. I also seem to have a lot more time.
    I don't keep a pack with me. I just have a few in my car console. For some reason, knowing they are there keeps me feeling like I'm in control and I get to choose. I think between being a control freak by nature and being spoiled rotten by design, I hate to feel like I can't have something. I've tried to quit so many times for my husband, my kids, for friendly competition. Those times always failed because I felt like someone was forcing me to give up something. This time is different. I'm not quitting for any reason other than I am DONE. It's the right time and I have the right support.
    Jen, isn't it great that you can lose count already? It means you aren't sitting around mourning the hours since your last smoke. You've already moved on and into a new chapter. I think that is awesome!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Great Work PC and Terri,
    I know that we have done this! I, unlike you guys, could never have a pack near me... I would smoke it, because it is there. Kinda like an open bag of chocolate... as long as it is not opened, I will not eat it.

    I feel so much better too. I knew I would... You think quitting twice before, I would remember this. Any way... today is going to be a good productive day, even though I am in my stress hole...(my office and can't get anything done) I will get to work out again this evening and everything will be wonderful!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    my husband and i both quit smoking dec 2, 2009 at 9:30 pm. we use electronic ciggs now. much healthier and im actually quite active in the group. I started a local group in my area that has now become the suncoast vapers club. we have forums and everything to learn about the different devices out there. its amazing how wonderful i have felt since quitting smoking. yes i know people will say i haven't quit i am still smoking no i am vaping. instead of over 4000 chemicals in my body from smoking i have 4 trace amounts (according to the fda) well i would rather have that then the 4000. behind the scenes in the vaping community there is a non profit group that is testing the actual vaper to verify the harms/benifits of vaping. we are doing it the right way. if anyone has any questions please ask me i am more than happy to help anyone out there that is interested. one thing i would suggest if you want to go this route..please dont purchase a unit at the mall or flea market. they will over charge you. i have been a part of the community for over 2 years now so can give you different vendors that wont rip you off.
  • jessica1118
    jessica1118 Posts: 28 Member
    I know it's a really, really hard habit to break !!!!! I have quit multiple times, and always end up finding a reason to start again :( I recently quit in January and know this time it's for good :) Have you ever read "The Easy Way To STOP Smoking" by Allan Carr ? It's a really good book and helped me with why I kept going back, and why I don't need it in my life .... I hope this helps it's helped me and many more ! Good Luck :happy:
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I didn't read all the posts but thought I would share how I quit. I used chantix 2 times. The first time I quit for about 6 months and started again. Why? because I was drinking every night because some friends were visting for the week and they smoked. After that week I started smoking full time again. 2nd go around and I am still smoke free. Its been about 2 years and I do still smoke when I have a lot to drink. I know when I should stop smoking before I get dragged back into it though since I went through it already.

    A very long time ago I quit cold turkey for a few months so I know what it feels like. Chantix was very very easy to quit with. Both times I took it, I was only on it for a month. By the 4th week, cigs started tasting not so good and get to a point where it is pointless to smoke cause it isn't doing anything and thats when you have to commit and get over the mental addiction and just put them down.

    Chantix will make it very easy to get over the withdraw part of smoking (since you keep smoking on it) but you have to want it. You have to want it for yourself to keep smoke free.

    Alot of people say bad things about chantix but I also hear bad things about cigs.
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    I am starting on week two of being smoke free. So far so good, just wish my workout goes as well, LOL. Keep it up everybody.

  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Good Job PC!
    I am checking in because I have just finished my lunch and it is that time....
    :) Went for a walk to get my lunch and will go on another one after.
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