I'll look them up!
Check it out:
Thanks so much for the encouragement! Best wishes to you two too! - Scott
Me too! I REALLY want to live a healthy and balanced life, not just diet. So, here I am back on MFP. I had set a goal to lose 70 lbs... and I did it. And I kept it off for over a year. Then I proceeded to get lazy, and put it all back on. I've taken 20 of it back off, but have 50 lbs to go... again. Ugh. I know how to lose…
Go team, go! How's everyone doing?
Some guys from church are doing a 100 mile bike ride on the weekend.... anyone want to join in?
The comments from people are really starting to flow now. Nearly every day. Not that I'm looking for complements.... but it is an interesting reward / side-effect of the hard work.
Who else has been enjoying some success over the summer? Any struggles?
Anyone out there?
I recently blew through my old lowest, and hit 178... I can almost taste it.
I know it's a long struggle... but with a little focus, and encouragement from friends... you WILL prevail. :-)
Anyone need a little motivation tonight?
Great post CKing! Keep at it.
OK... so maybe not ANYTHING I want. But it is rewarding to work out hard, and not be restricted to 1240 calories in the day.
I love long bike rides. This morning... 36 plus miles in 2.5 hours. Love the burn. Now I can pretty much eat anything I want all day. :-)
Lost another 3 lbs. Now at 178. 4 lbs away from my 70 lb goal. I can taste it!
Thanks for all of the encouragements everyone. YOU CAN do it too!!!! Keep posting.
Someone challenged me to 2000 minutes in July, and I accomplished it with 8 days to spare. I've slowed things down a bit this week, and I'm sitting at 2,161. No matter what you've set as your goal... YOU CAN do it. Keep pressing on. I've finally lost 63 lbs, and gotten down to a pre-wedding weight (I was married 18 years…
Lost another pound.
Thanks Ashley :-)
Back down to my lowest... 182. 62 pounds lost... 13 to go. 169 here I come. I had put on a few pounds over the course of my vacation, and those are gone again... Thanks in part to a friends challenge to exercise 2000 minutes in the month of July... which I accomplished today... 8 days ahead of schedule. I averaged just…
Still stuck... getting there.
I am not going to hit my goal weight by June ... but I am determined to get there. Pressing on.
Been in a holding pattern for a couple of weeks... trying to push downward.
Great goal. I'm with you!
Biking in the rain this afternoon. I'm hoping to be at my target weight before the first week of June, only 6 weeks left to do it.
Just got back from a week of Florida vacation. I ate great considering I was on vacation (more of a maintenance mode), but still will not weigh myself for 1 week. Now back to Chicago spring, and strict weight-loss. :-)
Very happy my wife is doing this with me. :-) She's a great encouragement.
No time for exercise today, better eat right!!