

  • Welcome. You can add me as a friend. I will be happy to provide any encouragement that I can.
  • Please don't give up. Take this as constructive criticism. It doesn't sound like she is trying to hurt you, but sometimes it takes someone with a view from the outside telling you what you cannot see about yourself. Counting calories is an obsession that is helping you to be a better you. Maybe set aside a couple of…
  • Welcome, I am new also. We all need a lot of support to get through this journey from people who understand what we are going through. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Thanks for all of the kind words. I have found that working out is easier if I don't call it a workout. I go walking with a group of friends every week, to socialize, of course. Dancing twice a week. The time flies. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Don't do it!!! If anyone motivates you to do this, then they are not your friends.
  • I've been there too. Don't think of this as a diet, but as a lifestyle change. I have banned the word diet from my vocabulary. It's about making better choices. I am using the food log, but I hope eventually that I will be able to make the right choices without it. Good luck!
  • I need some friends too. I started recently and I have already fell back on my old eating habits once. We had two very big snow storms and I spent most of a week stuck in the house and eating poorly. I am eliminating fried foods from my diet FOREVER. Now that its in writing I cannot fail.