

  • With time, you will become more aware of how many calories are in the foods you eat. For the binge eating, the best thing is probably to focus on a try and figure out why you do it and take steps to change it. Until then, keep lots of healthy foods on hand - baby carrots, apples, fruit, cottage cheese, etc. Another thing…
  • I know for me, those occasions do impede weight loss/maintenenace. Everyone is different so maybe the same is not true for you. As far as foods not being healthy or unhealthy, I disagree. An apple is a healthy food. A Twinkie is not a healthy food. The main ingredient to make deviled eggs is mayonnaise, which is calorie…
  • I think the problem some people run into when thinking "It's only one day so it's okay to splurge" is that the same can be said for all of the holidays, birthdays, weddings, baby showers, etc. It's great that you found something that works for you, but some people are still figuring out what works for them and welcome the…
  • Thanks for the tips. One note, a serving of meat is 3 oz. (about the size of a deck of cards)
  • Hi Everyone! Name: Tanya Hubby/Partner: Brandon How many kids do you have: Our 1st! Due Date: May 9, 2012 How far along are you: 17 weeks 2 days Do you know the gender: Find out Dec. 8th Babies Name: Waiting until we know gender Where do you live (if you want to share): Vermont Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Zumba,…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm new to this forum and love the idea of a support network as we go through this journey. I am 13 weeks along and am feeling great. I am one of the lucky few who did not have any morning sickness, although I could still get some but it's not very likely. I had a dating ultrasound a week ago and saw the baby…
  • There are some dance exercises in the database that you can use. I added Zumba as an exercise in my database but it doesn't seem to let you share it with other members like it does with food, so everyone has to add it for themselves. Then you'll have to calculate how many calories you're burning using a heart rate monitor…
  • Maple syrup and cajun spice are good on salmon.
    in Salmon Ideas Comment by scutes May 2011
  • I've always wondered why it's so unclear for popcorn nutrition. There are 3 servings in the bag, so since one serving is 3.5 cups popped, the whole bag has 10.5 cups. The amount of calories in the whole bag is 367.50. Hope this helps!
  • Have you checked the sides all around the scale? We have an old-fashioned needle scale and there is a dial to adjust back to zero. Yours may or may not have that, but you might want to check. Like the others said, as long as it's consistent it really doesn't matter much. You could also test it by putting a 5 or 10 pound…
    in My scale? Comment by scutes April 2011
  • I'm in the same boat as you as far as being slightly obsessed with the scale. I step on every day and am often frustrated at the fluctuation even though I weigh myself at the same time every day. On the one hand, I feel like it may offer insight, maybe it spikes up if I eat a lot of salt the day before or don't drink…