WOW. I suck already. Any advice?



  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Plan ahead and don't try to wing it.
  • scutes
    scutes Posts: 13
    Today was my first day using myfitnesspal, and I devastatingly ate almost 700 calories over my target amount. Am I always going to be so horrible at this? Does anyone have any tips/help/ advice? I have two big problems, the first being I don't have a smart phone and am not near a computer most of the day so I am unable to look up food or chart as I go. The second, worse problem for me is that I have severe binge issues. Especially when I'm stressed, sad, bored or alone. I just eat and eat and eat. I don't know how to stop myself, it's worse than chain-smoking. I won't even be hungry, but rather I just compulsively put food into my mouth. Someone, please give me some nugget of wisdom to help me change.

    With time, you will become more aware of how many calories are in the foods you eat. For the binge eating, the best thing is probably to focus on a try and figure out why you do it and take steps to change it. Until then, keep lots of healthy foods on hand - baby carrots, apples, fruit, cottage cheese, etc. Another thing that works for me is to chew gum until the craving passes.

    Stick with it - it gets easier as you develop new, healthier habits!
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    I had the same problem when I first started. I found that the shock of seeing just how much I ate was enough for me to slowly start eating less. It'll take a few days, maybe even a week or two, but you'll start to become aware of what you're eating, and it gets much easier!! You'll do fine!! :)
  • maxxi
    maxxi Posts: 30 Member
    Today was my first day using myfitnesspal, and I devastatingly ate almost 700 calories over my target amount. Am I always going to be so horrible at this? Does anyone have any tips/help/ advice?

    and this!
    I can TOTALLY identify.. I am terrible at trying to control myself and practice moderation,
    Next, I had to tell myself (over and over and over - still doing it), that food was simply fuel. I have a tendency to believe something is going to taste way better than it does.

    I totally understand how you feel - I did my first day yesterday and it was shocking how much I went over my allowance ( I actually excluded a couple of things, I was so embarrassed - in denial or what!)

    So day one, I went waaay over, got a shock as to how little food I actually need and have lied to my diary and myself already :(

    I too look at food and think - that is going to taste amazing and then eat without thinking about it, and discovering, actually its not that good, but I've started it so I'll finish it.....

    I am hoping I will get better at it, learn a little more about the nutritional value of what I am putting in my mouth, and learn to ask, ' Do I really need/ want this?'

    So please friend me, and we'll do it together - I think the key is having someone in your corner for encouragement (oh and a public food diary might help reign me in too!)

  • pinkupooh
    pinkupooh Posts: 155
    Today was my first day using myfitnesspal, and I devastatingly ate almost 700 calories over my target amount. Am I always going to be so horrible at this? Does anyone have any tips/help/ advice? I have two big problems, the first being I don't have a smart phone and am not near a computer most of the day so I am unable to look up food or chart as I go. The second, worse problem for me is that I have severe binge issues. Especially when I'm stressed, sad, bored or alone. I just eat and eat and eat. I don't know how to stop myself, it's worse than chain-smoking. I won't even be hungry, but rather I just compulsively put food into my mouth. Someone, please give me some nugget of wisdom to help me change.

    take this as an eye opening experience. This is how you used to eat, now look at your diary and start making healthier choices during each meal. Trust me it works, you would be fine in next couple of weeks.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    As you get experience you will get better at estimating. It also helps to preplan your food for the day if you can.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. The goal is "healthier" not "perfect" for most people.

    agreed. :)
  • dorkusmalorkus
    dont be so hard on yourself! im not near a computer either, at the beginning just jot it down in a cheapo notepad..i use to binge and purge, before even starting, really think to yourself, is this what i want for my body, is this going to help me achieve my goals? try posting goals and inspiration around your kitchen :) try chewing gum! or make healthy snacks available around you instead of bad snacks, theres so many different ways! never give up! and dont be so hard on yourself, trial and error, more inspiration to get it right the next time :) i believe you can do it!
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    First off, what are your calories set at right now and how much do you weigh?

    I wouldn't want to answer this question giving my weight. More importantly, look at what you're trying to lose. I know for me, trying to lose 2 lbs per week, my calories are set at 1200 per day. I am struggling with that so I changed my goal (temporarily) to less than that and my daily calorie range is 1400. So that may be an option for you.

    I also have plenty of low calorie snacks to binge on. I also am a stressful binge eater. So baby carrots, cucumber slices, red and orange pepper slices, small apples. Things like that will help -- and flavored water can taste like a treat too.

    Don't give up. We'll get there together. One day at a time. Even if you're over, keep logging - it'll get easier. Also, there are some good calorie counting books out there that you can tuck in your purse to help when you're not hear your computer.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Dont be so hard on yourself we all start somewhere and have to learn. I didnt have a smartphone to begin with and managed ok with preplanning and logging when possible. I also exercise a lot so this allows me to eat more. I also can binge eat when stressed but find making myself accountable for the food I eat ie logging it and making my diary public makes me eat healthily as in my mind I feel people will look and think she ate how many chocolate bars so I dont do it. Also I have children so try to set a good example to them and eat my fruit and veg. In the past I have eaten a whole pack of biscuits and hidden the eidence so totally identify with what you are saying. I find it easier with a smartphone and constantly have it in my hand which my husband finds annoying and funny at the same time. You can add me as a friend if you want we can motivate each other.
  • MAponte73
    MAponte73 Posts: 46 Member
    I try to keep up with my cal. by using my smrt phone (exspecially when eating out) and as I log in my foods... I see where I go over and try not to do it again. I watch where I went over and either add more exercise or reduce the amount of that food. The first day is always the worst, you will catch on and make great leaps, I am sure of it. Keep you cin up and push through it... We all know you can do it... :drinker:
  • DeadNatchan
    Don't give up! I'm aware that I'm hardly the voice of experience as I just joined on Monday and logged my first proper day yesterday. I'm on a fairly strict diet and was shocked to see I went over my protein limit via one very small chicken leg.
    I am sure I will just be repeating other people here, but I think using this will be an education; we're learning how to stay within our limits. When you are learning, you make mistakes, that is how you learn and become better. :smile:

    So don't be disheartened, in a little over a day I have discovered this not so little support network will really help you reach your goal.
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    We all at some point have went over our calorie limit and this just occurs because people tend to underestimate what a true serving of food is. I measure ALL of my food is one tip that helps a lot!! Another thing don't beat yourself up befpre you get started! Obviously you want to be healthy or you would not be here. Each day is a new day and a new beginning, so just refocus and regroup and learn from what you ate that sent you over your calorie limit by 700 calories . You can also help yourself by not bringing any food that is a weakness into your home . This is one tactic I employ a lot of so I am not setting myself up for failure! Also remember that Rome was not built in one day you did not gain all of the weight you are wanting to loose in one day so you will not loose it all in one neither!! Hope I helped you ! You can break the cycle of feeling bad so you eat then you feel worse so you eat more it is a hard cycle to break but you can do it!! Best Wishes
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    First off, what are your calories set at right now and how much do you weigh?

    I wouldn't want to answer this question giving my weight.

    The reason people ask is because it can make a huge difference. When I weighed 180-185, MFP set my calories at 1,200. I spent 3 months not losing a single pound. Then I started "cheating" and being naughty, going over about 300 calories, and I started losing weight like crazy.

    That's when I realized it was too few calories to be effective. I've had to tweak it over time. I've gone from close to 1,600, and am now down to a daily goal of 1,420 at 152 pounds.

    So it could be easier to help OP knowing specifics, because 1,200 calories might be too low. And when you are just starting and see that you've gone 700 over, it can be hard to swallow - only to find out that your BMR might be higher than 1,900 calories, which means that OP is still below what her body is using each day.

    (For the record, my BMR last time I checked was 1,883 - so right in that ballpark. OP, they have a BMR calculator in the "tools" section - calculate yours and stay below. 500 calories below = 1/2 pound a week if I remember right.)
  • MMoriarty2012
    The fact that you are starting is a victory!

    For me, it got easier over time, but initially it was a big change for me, too. I'm optimistic that things will improve as you also slowly get in the groove and adjust. :)
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I don't have a smart phone either. What works for me is that I usually eat the same things for breakfast and lunch so I know the calories. Breakfast is either cereal and milk or an atkin's shake. Lunch is either salad or a peanut butter sandwich and an apple. It takes a little while to figure out the whole calorie thing, but it gets easier every day. Just hang in there.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I don't have a smart phone either. What works for me is that I usually eat the same things for breakfast and lunch so I know the calories. Breakfast is either cereal and milk or an atkin's shake. Lunch is either salad or a peanut butter sandwich and an apple. It takes a little while to figure out the whole calorie thing, but it gets easier every day. Just hang in there.

    there are advantages to the smartphone beyond recording the calories...

    .the barscan code is FUN and that's motivating....I'm on this journey with a great friend and when we're out to dinner she might say, "how many calories in a.....???" and I whip out the phone and it's motivating and adds to the conversation.

    .I can check in with my small but wonderfully supportive community of friends and eyeball how they're doing during the day so I'M NOT ALONE and that too helps more than you can imagine.. sending a quick note to an on-line bud helps keep me focused and the desire to succeed is reinforced.

    again, IT"S A TOY... toys are fun.. meant to be played with...