

  • You can go over on protein - you just end up peeing off the excess so it's not toxic at all. The only issue with getting too much protein is to watch what the source of it is. Since you say you don't eat much meat, just be weary of whether you're getting it from foods with a decent amount of saturated fat - dairy, meat,…
  • You know what?...I've felt the exact same thing for the past 3-4 weeks. I am very active and work out just about every single day, and play indoor soccer one night a week. I haven't been able to clearly concentrate and feel so tired all the time. I'm eating about 1800-2000 calories a day, am 5'6'' and weigh around 118 or…
  • that's awesome that you journaled everything!!! I wouldn't worry too much about 193 calories - that's not terribly much to go over. Just get back on track today and exercise a little bit!! Great job burning 500 cals!
  • Awesome!! I actually JUST picked mine up outta the mailbox. I'm excited to try it out!!
  • Awesome!! Thanks for the input. I also should have probably mentioned earlier: When I was 14 I had rods put in my back because I had scoliosis. My entire life I've eaten not particularly well, until about a year and a half ago. My back sucks in the fact that the whole thing is fused and I really only have the bottom three…
  • Ok, so I've read all the newbie posts and what not (I've actually been here for quite a while, I just never post - I read what you guys post because I find it interesting..and sometimes very funny :) ). Here's my question: I am about 5'6'', around 117/118 lbs, 21 years old. I'm in school still, so I suppose I walk around a…
  • Awesome to know there are so many of us!! I am in my last year studying Mechanical Engineering in order to get my Bachelor's. I'm 21 (gonna be 22 in August) and am getting married in January!
  • I'm not crazy either.. I have basically the exact same problem. I'm 20 and weigh JUST under 118 right now. I've always been able to eat whatever the heck I like, probably because I've always done a lot of sports and been really active, but over the last two years or so I finally realized how much crap I've been putting…
  • I was just wondering about the 8 cups of water a day. I ALWAYS bring my nalgene with me to classes everyday, but I can never seem to drink more than one bottle a day. How do you guys get to 8? Or, does the water you get from foods such as apples, carrots... etc count?
  • Hello! :) I just started here on Thursday so I'm new :) I started because I was curious just how many calories I'm actually eating every day. I eat pretty darn healthy for the most part, and I work out a lot during the week. I go to the gym three times a week and do a half hour of weight lifting, and then a half hour on an…
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