Not a crazy girl, I promise. Underweight but signed up here

zaiikaa Posts: 112
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys -

I'm 22, 5'8 and around 125 atm. My BMI is right on the underweight/healthy cusp, I believe.

Before you start thinking I'm nuts - I have a *very* small frame and no health problems despite my BMI. I definitely look healthy and not "too skinny."

I was a constant 120 lbs for the past few years, but shot up to 127 lbs a few weeks ago (I couldn't get my jeans on - all to my thighs and hips!). I decided to "watch" what I ate for a bit and started logging my meals. I quickly discovered I was eating like an animal, eating 5+ times the serving size, etc.

Tonight I made myself pasta and made the serving size - 2/3 cup dry. It barely covered the bottom of the bowl(!) - I'm so not used to eating a "serving size" of anything. I added a can of tuna, and a bunch of veggies and threw in some italian dressing to hold it all together. It was delicious and while I didn't end up full like I normally do, I was satisfied. It's curiously nice to be "satisfied" after a meal rather than eating until I can't eat anymore.

Moving on - I'd like to get back to 120, or even 118ish. I know these extra pounds are just because I've been eating like crazy. I'm trying to figure out how many calories/day I should be aiming for and am having a little trouble figuring it out (I read the 1000 calories defecit a day for a healthy BMI is not a good idea thread, but don't know what a "calorie defecit" means exactly). I have a tendency to get too gung ho and overdo everything, so I know I would eat way too little if I left it up to myself.

As far as exercise, I'm very sporadic. I was a dancer for a long time, but quit a few years ago. I did kickboxing for a few months, but got lazy. Now I'm aiming for 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week. Not a lot, but better than nothing.

Thanks for any help. :smile:


  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Hi guys -

    I'm 22, 5'8 and around 125 atm. My BMI is right on the underweight/healthy cusp, I believe.

    Before you start thinking I'm nuts - I have a *very* small frame and no health problems despite my BMI. I definitely look healthy and not "too skinny."

    I was a constant 120 lbs for the past few years, but shot up to 127 lbs a few weeks ago (I couldn't get my jeans on - all to my thighs and hips!). I decided to "watch" what I ate for a bit and started logging my meals. I quickly discovered I was eating like an animal, eating 5+ times the serving size, etc.

    Tonight I made myself pasta and made the serving size - 2/3 cup dry. It barely covered the bottom of the bowl(!) - I'm so not used to eating a "serving size" of anything. I added a can of tuna, and a bunch of veggies and threw in some italian dressing to hold it all together. It was delicious and while I didn't end up full like I normally do, I was satisfied. It's curiously nice to be "satisfied" after a meal rather than eating until I can't eat anymore.

    Moving on - I'd like to get back to 120, or even 118ish. I know these extra pounds are just because I've been eating like crazy. I'm trying to figure out how many calories/day I should be aiming for and am having a little trouble figuring it out (I read the 1000 calories defecit a day for a healthy BMI is not a good idea thread, but don't know what a "calorie defecit" means exactly). I have a tendency to get too gung ho and overdo everything, so I know I would eat way too little if I left it up to myself.

    As far as exercise, I'm very sporadic. I was a dancer for a long time, but quit a few years ago. I did kickboxing for a few months, but got lazy. Now I'm aiming for 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week. Not a lot, but better than nothing.

    Thanks for any help. :smile:
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    I think you just need a minimal deficit, about 200 calories. So If you need let's say 1900-2000 daily (just a guess), aim at 1700-1800 NET calories. Net means that you have to add all the calories you burn doing your workouts and eat more on these days.
    Then you'll see how do you feel with that and decide what to do next. Focus on eating healthy food, smaller portions and eat 5-6 times a day.

    If you want to be a weight loss expert read all the posts for newbies and those that have lots of messages and views (these are probably interesting things :))

    Good luck!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    It sounds to me like (and this is just opinion) with your body, that the issue isn't your weight so much as the possible abscence of muscle mass. I don't mean that as a critisism, more just something that is meant to maybe help your realization. If you are 5'8" and 125, your BMI is 19, which is considered healthy. But really, do you have good definition? When you look in the mirror is there any muscle contour to your calves, thighs, arms? It's a total personal choice, I'm not saying it's unhealthy, I just think that your self image shouldn't be based on what you weigh, it should be based on how you feel. If you're pants don't fit, ask yourself not how to get back into them, but really decide whether your body was right when your pants DID fit. I feel like I would much rather see a woman that is 135 lbs and slightly cut (I.E. muscle tone that is noticable but doesn't dominate the body) rather then someone that is 120 and straight lines all the way down the body. That's just my personal preference, and is in no way a critisism of you or any of the ladies out there, but there it is.

    Side note, (and this is only going by medical standards and averages, it isn't an absolute) at 5'8" and 120, you would have a BMI of 18.2. The generally accepted limit for BMI is 18.5 as a baseline. I realize I'm splitting hairs here, but I just figured you should know (although I think you already do). I'm not saying 18.2 is unhealthy for you, only your doctor can tell you that, but I am just of the opinion that the more someone knows about their body, the better.

    I hope you take all of this in the right light. I am just trying to off an alternate theory on your health, maybe it will help you make some decisions, maybe you will read this and decide nothing I say is right for you, that's fine by me, as long as the choices you make are healthy ones, I'm ok with whatever you choose.

    Best of luck

  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    I agree with Banks.
    That's why I suggested only a little deficit. However, you may want to maintain weigh and just exercise regularly. You'll probably feel better and lose inches. You can just use MFP to watch what you eat.
    What do you think about that, Zaiikaa?
  • ligytha
    ligytha Posts: 130
    I agree. You probably need to get in shape more than loose weight (which will may happen as you get in shape).

    As for the bowl thing, I eat everything out of dessert bowls and use dessert forks and spoons. Your food looks bigger in the smaller bowls :wink:
  • I'm not crazy either.. I have basically the exact same problem. I'm 20 and weigh JUST under 118 right now. I've always been able to eat whatever the heck I like, probably because I've always done a lot of sports and been really active, but over the last two years or so I finally realized how much crap I've been putting into my body. I started eating healthier about 8 months or so ago, and started tracking food about 2 weeks ago here. It's absolutely amazing! I never knew how bad I was eating for so long. I eat a lot healthier now, but I'm still the same weight. I think I look overly skinny sometimes, and I work out a ton, but still don't have a really toned look. I'm trying to gain weight, but do it by eating better foods. I've just been curious how many calories I used to eat.
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Yeah, I am with Banks on this one. It's sounds like you may need to tone up a bit. However, be sure that if you start weight training that you get in enough proteins and whole grains for energy and muscle repair - in fact, be sure your diet has enough balance in general. You really wouldn't want to start weight training and be eating mainly carbs, sugars, etc. :wink:

    Like Banks said, I'd try to focus more on how you feel (and inches) besides only using that (dang) scale as your only measure. :happy:

    By the way, Banks, well put. I don't think you have offended anyone. :tongue:

    Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Ahhh, you guys are all nice! Thanks so much for your replies.

    I agree with pretty much everything. I am probably defining myself too much but numbers (weight) rather than how I look and feel. I guess it's all about eating healthy and exercising and seeing what weight I end up at (and pants size!) after doing that rather than aiming for a goal weight.

    I am (rather oddly) curvy for my BMI, and still have muscle definition - from a lack of anything to cover the muscles more than anything, I think. Maybe some of it is still lingering from my ballet and kickboxing days. As I get older, though, I know I'll have to put in some effort to keep it up.

    Thanks again. I'll be sticking around, I think. :flowerforyou:
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