Daily Check In 5/27/09

Nlongenecker Posts: 765
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Good morning everyone. How is everybody? DH and I are leaving to go camping today and will be back on Saturday. So if I could pass the torch to someone to start the thread for the next couple of days that would be great.

Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? No, went 193 over my calories, which raises the question, how many of you are at 1200/day + exercise cal (thats what I'm trying to do)?

Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Yes, I journaled every bite, which is how I know I went over that much.

What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I drank all my water (it's been awhile since I've done that). And I walked 3 miles and burned 503 calories.

What would I have done differently? Only had one Lemon Poppy seed muffin, that's about the amount I was over.

What is today's personal goal? My goal for the next four days is still to journal everything. Just cuz I did it one day doesn't mean its a regular habit yet. While camping, I won't have any reference as to how many calories I've used so I will just be sure to write everything down.


  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
  • that's awesome that you journaled everything!!! I wouldn't worry too much about 193 calories - that's not terribly much to go over. Just get back on track today and exercise a little bit!! Great job burning 500 cals!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes I did for a change.

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Yes I exercised without grumbling.

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Did a walk/run 4 miles in 60 minutes and burned 532 calories, 7 minutes better than last time.

    What would I have done differently? Worked out earlier or later in the day, it was hot out there.

    What is today's personal goal? To stay within my calories and exercise again to burn over 500 calories again.

    Nicole, have fun this weekend. I will take over the thread while you are gone.

  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes. I'm at 1250-1300 and eat most of my exercise cals.

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? No, my goal was to burn 400 or 500 cals (can't remember), but I only burned 270.

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I got my dogs hair cut :) Does that count? LOL!

    What would I have done differently? . I would've walked when the boy was at daycare. I could've gotten at least 600 cals without him.

    What is today's personal goal? Well it's raining, but I have my rain coat and I will burn 500 cals today!

    And as you asked everyone about cals. Mine are 1250-1300 plus exercise cals most days. Now that my stomach has shrunk down to normal, I can eat a protein bar and almonds for breakfast, lunch is a sandwich and a side like yogurt. Dinner is some sort of meat....like chicken or a lean hamburger patty with a huge salad. I have a salad almost every night with dinner. My friends can veiw my food diary so feel free to take a look. Just keep in my that I just changed over the set-up so it looks odd. Also there are times when I log something into the wrong slot because I know I've had that food it in that slot before. KWIM? :laugh:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals?Yes - I ate my 1200 and only half of my exercise cals which I am chuffed about!

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Yes - only ate half of my exercise calories!

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I drank loads of water, worked out and had calories leftover

    What would I have done differently? I could have subsituted my food for fresh produce! Somehow I never around to that!

    What is today's personal goal? Well tonight is my "last chance Workout" before my weigh in tomorrow so I really want/need to push it tonight so my personal goal is to stay within my cals, and work my *kitten* off tonight after work!
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Good morning everyone,

    Did you stay within your Nutritional goals? Yes

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Yes, ate lots of protein

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I skipped the birthday cake and pie at our family birthday party

    What would I have done differently? Moved my butt more, but still am down on the scales, I will take yesterday as my day off rest.

    Todays personal goal? Walk 4 miles, and that is now done!!!

    Have a great day everyone

    Have fun camping Nicole!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hey ladies... I managed to find an AWESOME ice cream at the grocery store. Its 1/2 the fat of regular and 120 cals per serving. Its made by Turkey Hill..we got the cookies and creme. The hubs LOVED it..surprisingly!!!!....It tasted just like the real thing!!!!! The weather here in NEPA has been crappy and cold. I haven't walked since Sunday in North Carolina:(:(:(:..I don't have any work out vids for when the weather is not so good...:grumble:

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes I did. Its really hard to eat all of my cals because I am at 2000 cals a day. I started out at 1600 but realized my breastmilk supply was going down. I have to eat more because I am breastfeeding. My weightloss will only be about 1.5 pounds a week...But slow and steady is great from what I hear!!:)
    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Sure....I now weigh 243 even.....And I realized that I didn't really gain any weight from the holiday weekend!! Go me!!!:tongue:

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Found the new ice cream, didn't eat any junk food...drank all of my water::happy:

    What would I have done differently? Gone to the mall and walked...Which maybe I will do tonight..:wink:

    What is today's personal goal? Hopefully start my strength training after the kids I babysit go home.....:drinker:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Good morning! (morning for me, might not be for you!)

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes, I did! even sodium!

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Yep! I ate pretty well, and I got some good exercise in!

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I did 25(+5 cool down) minutes of Biggest Loser's Cardio Max. Then later I walked 1 hour/3 miles.

    What would I have done differently? I think I did fine yesterday, and I'm proud of what I did. So nothing to change for yesterday

    What is today's personal goal? Same as everyday---eat healthy and exercise.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Morning All!

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes, was under on cals and over 13 on protein which
    I'm ok with

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? No.......busy busy day, didn't have time to eat everything
    I packed for lunch (probably why I was under calorie wise)

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Didn't say "screw it" and head for ice cream at 9pm!

    What would I have done differently? Would love to make more "me time", but on days like yesterday
    was impossible.

    What is today's personal goal? To be true to myself and not bail all the deps out when it comes
    to paperwork!! I took 7 reports yesterday! (norm is 2-4).
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes or No (This can mean just calories or others) Yes!

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? (See Below) no on the outside activity but yes on the water and staying within 2000 cals

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? cleaned my house up lol.

    What would I have done differently? walked the dog

    What is today's personal goal? get the wii active and use it!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    So far I'm on track with calories (1200 is my goal, and I don't eat all my exercise calories because I've found that 1200-1300 is what makes me lose weight at about a pound a week). I did my workout (an hour bike ride) after I dropped the kids off @ school this morning, and will probably do the 30 Day Shred Level 1 later (if my arms, legs, and *kitten* can take it!)

    Went to have lunch with daughter at school, instead of fast food which I would have ordinarily stopped and gotten, I made a salad with a handful of cooked chicken on top. Couldn't even finish it!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals?yes (actually 250 under...considering lowering my daily calorie intake, been doing that the past 3 days!)

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? yes! I got the wii active and completed the first workout on low intensity. it was fabulous!

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? pretty much everything...stayed within my calorie goal and actually got moving and worked out.

    What would I have done differently?i should have taken the dog for a walk!

    What is today's personal goal?do wii active today for day 2 training
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