

  • Great job guys! I love seeing everyones progress! I am on week 2, I am following the diet with just a few glitches and I'm already seeing some results.. from an exercise standpoint and a few pounds. Thanks for keeping the inspiration flowing!
  • Fantastic way to commerate that 'anniversary'.. you should be sooo proud! You look awesome lady!
  • HI Kathy-- I have two suggestions for you... 1) Have you talked to your doctor about trying some physical therapy? A physical therapist may be able to give you some recommendations about how to work with your vertigo and making walking safe for you. 2) Try putting frozen berries in a diabetic friendly yogurt. It's not…
  • After looking at everyones posts and checking out the Insanity thread, I've gone ahead and ordered it. Should be here tomorrow. Wish me luck
  • My significant other did P90X and loved it. He had a significant improvement in his upper body strength and flexibility. His waist became even more slim... but when he stopped doing it consistently he lost some of the definition. I had been doing the kenpo and plyo workouts with him which were fun. I have a lot of weight…
  • Congratulations everyone! I know I'm excited and we haven't even set a date yet!
  • Would definitely bring them back to the store to make sure they aren't rubbing. in a place where you didn't notice. You may also want to look at your socks.. sometimes they can bunch up in the wrong places or they don't provide enough moisture wicking or breathability in certain areas. I've started using smart wool socks…
  • My SO did the P90X classic version this past winter.. I'd like to do it as well but realistically the time committment is going to make it hard for me to keep at it consistently. (I have an irregular work schedule). I was thinking of getting the 10 minute trainer series. Has anyone tried it? Is it worth it? I think that…
  • I too am a big fan of the foam roller... it helped me get through my half marathon last year... my physical therapist got me into it. I use it in 2 roll the area itself, and then I use one that is cut in half the long way up against the wall to stretch with.. over time your heels sink a little deeper so you get a…
  • Umm.. have you noticed how much YOUNGER (and healthier) you look? Fantastic job!
  • The herbed flavor is really good with some sauteed veggies in scrambled eggs in the morning. It makes a delicious quasi-omelette. I cube it into little pieces and then toss it in the pan for the last couple of minutes after the eggs have set. Try it!
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