hazenson Member


  • It will get easier, hang in there : )
  • Eliptical is a great work out with low impact on your joints. Whatever you try, start out slow and work your way up a little each day/week. Whatever you do -dont give up. A little soreness is ok but dont over do it that you have to take days off. And a little soreness will usually go away after about 10 minutes of your…
  • I would continue to increase it if you have time. Im hooked on a eliptical machine and Ive steadily increased it a little each week. Started out at about 1000 on the distance meter and now try to do 3000 each day. Thats about 51 minutes at the speed I go. I also use both distance and time to figure as some days I may be…
  • For most it will go away! Chances get even better the more active you become. The more active you become the more in tone all muscles will get. The stronger all muscles are plus the lack of the extra weight pressing down on your organs, the easier your whole body functions. Good luck, for me I dont even snore any more---…
  • Diesel machanic for U.P.S. Freight love it
  • THis reminds me of one of the best sayings I think Ive ever heard. My wife used to watch desperate houswives years ago and I sat down and watched some with her one night. This fella asked this incredably in shape blond if she would go have a pizza with him some night. She lookes him straight in the eye and says, You…
  • Eastern North Carolina!
  • cinnamin and honey for me- with a touch of coffeemate vanilla creamer-- but I think im going to try that recipe, That sounds like a great idea, but Im going to stick with the cinnamin and honey, their just plain good and good for me!
  • Please send me a invite too, sounds like fun
  • Congratzz on being a dad! Setting a good example is a great start at dad hood, and living a long healthy life will be very important when those kids grow up and need you there. I have 2 daughters and they are both very health concious, probably because I have always worked out and stayed in decent shape. Now Im 50 and Im…
  • Yep, wife and I live in Durham, whatever part you settle in you will probably find great places to hike. We used to live in Hillsborough and theres a couple of small mountains (or so their called) that we used to like to hike around. But if your doing it in the summer make sure to take water, hehe we got lost once and I…
  • some classic rock and some newer stuff, Its Not My Time is a good one to get the blood flowing http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/3doorsdown/itsnotmytime.html
  • I think your on the right track, if you do start to measure and get more in the know of what exactly what your taking in, I think it would help. I dont like to jog either but the eliptical macine is a mean ole girl that will set ya right. And if thats not a option, walking is a great alternative. Good luck on your quest,…
  • Ive gotten down to my last 20 pounds before and thats right where it stalled for me too. Ya may have gotten used to your workout or may have to leave a few more calories on the table. Also all that Dianne said-- = )
  • Aha! hehe Im a everquest er, Havnt tryed WOW, because I was too deep into EQ when It came out. Can add me too if ya want, fellow gamer!
  • Hi My name is Hazen and Ill be 51 in March, active here too. I do the eliptical machine 6 days a week, I get a better workout from it. I also weight train 3 days a week and throw some other stuff in when I can. Walking the dog and whatever. I love this program because it just breaks everything down so nicly that you know…
  • Hi Miss Pam Good Luck on your journey, Thank you for introducing me to the program! I think its great
    in Hello Comment by hazenson February 2014