

  • Eggs or quinoa.
  • I've got a wrist RoadID now (went through two ankle ones first, because they were easier when doing triathalons). I would recommend against the shoe ones because if you got hit by a car, there is a good chance your shoes might fly off. Bye-bye ID. You aren't as likely to have a wrist one end up that far from your body.
  • Stand up while you work. Burns 30% more calories than sitting. Do 5 squats before you sit back in your chair everytime you get up. Do a few pushups on the side of your desk. Walk the long way to the bathroom. None of that will make a big difference, but I find that remembering to keep moving helps me make better food…
  • You might not lose as much while training for a half marathon, but you should be able to maintain. Just make sure to accurately track the calories you burn while running and eat back those calories or you will be crazy tired - overeating for your running won't help you any either, it will make you sluggish. Keep it all in…
  • Pick a handful of full body exercies and do Tabatas - 20 seconds at maximum effort and 10 seconds at rest, repeated for 4 minutes. Planks, squats, sprints, pushups, plyometerics, etc. all work really well for this. So, pick 6 exercies and that is only 24 minutes of pretty killer workout. Then add 30 minutes of cardio a day…
  • As long as you are building up, you shouldn't have any problem with any distance. If you've done 5 miles, you can probably do a 10k. If your feet and calves start to hurt, maybe try backing down the mileage some until you are comfortable again.
  • Planks and stabilization exercises will help tons more than doing crunches...
  • I think they are pretty good - just know that you won't get anything that actually tastes quite like pasta (sort of how veggie burgers are tasty but don't taste like meat). My suggestion is to try them stir-fried - just throw them in the pan for the last few minutes of cooking. It will help you get used to the texture and…
  • You can also substitute shirataki noodles (sometimes called yam noodles) for pasta and cut out tons of carbs and calories. I think they are best when stir fried with veggies or in a soup, but you can use them with any other dish you would for pasta. I have to get them at the Asian markets in the fridge section, but if you…
  • If you have been walking and exercising, you are probably ok. But, being heavier will mean that you put a lot of additional stress on your joints than a lighter person. A couch to 5K program would probably help you keep your distances in check and not going too crazy - just remember to keep it slow. Of course, the real…
  • Forearms. They are tougher. If you can't hold a forearm one, then start (or switch to) on your arms. I have some girls I skate with who actually can't get their stomach off the ground using forearms, so we just have them use their arms instead.
  • You will be able to improve your fat to muscle ratio while on a deficit, but you aren't going to really be gaining a lot of muscle as long as you are also trying to lose weight. To build serious muscle, you need EXTRA calories in your diet and to really lose weight, you need FEWER calories in your diet. Your best bet would…
  • I would guess that you are possibly under your calorie goal to start with. 1250 calories is very little food, espeically for someone who is overweight (you do have to fuel yourself). Also, 700 calories in one workout is a LOT! You'd have to be doing some serious workouts to see that kind of calorie burn. And if you are…
  • I prefer vegetable based protein to keep my dairy consumption lower and I absolutely love MRM Veggie Protein - it tastes exactly like oatmeal raisin cookie dough! My husband really likes the site True Protein, because you can say exactly what you do and don't want…
  • I'm a 32DD and a big runner, so I get lots of movement which, for me, equalled loads of chafing. I finally got fitted into a Moving Comfort sports bra and think its about the best thing ever. On the pricey side, but totally worth it. I've got both the Juno and the Rebound Racer and they are so tight (in a good way) my…
  • If someone asks me, I generally say either that I'm a pescatarian or a vegetarian, although my eating habits are a little all over the place. Its just easier to have a 'box" to fit into than to explain to people exactly what I do and don't like to eat. For example, I'd love to give up fish, but since I don't eat cheese, I…