

  • Haha thanks everyone. Thing is, I'm training for a 5k in April so I need a treadmill. I can't do workout DVD's either bc I have no tv in the living room- just bedroom (but no workout room)...I don't have cable and don't watch tv....Yea I know I'm weird. BUT that actually does make you go to the gym more....Looks like I'm…
  • I love smart ones chocolate eclairs!
  • Thank you everyone!!! This site is AH-MAZING!
  • I'm on week two and seem to be doing ok...I've glanced at week three and it looks somewhat scary to me. You can always repeat weeks/steps if you need to. My 5k race is in April, and it's my first one. I hope I can do it! Good luck!
  • Bread pudding. It's rare on the menus (thank god) at resturants but if we happen to go to a resturant with that on there, I have to get it. I already checked out the menu for Valentine's Day and they have White Chocolate bread pudding with cashews....mmm :)
  • I drink about 2 cups a day too, I love my keurig! I've actually read alot of health benefits to coffee, it speeds up your metabolism...I know too much caffeine is not a good thing though. It's what you add to your coffee that can be bad, I always put a table spoon of creamer in, but try to go sugar free. I've recently…
  • We just had a storm this weekend...and more to come today. I've been stuck inside since Friday and am going crazy without the gym!
  • I believe it's spelled mazta. I'm not sure about how to find calorie content...hope that helps a bit at least :)
  • Thank you everyone! Just super determined to lose 15 pounds before he's home for GOOD in July...because then I'll be wearing a bikini in the Dominican Republic!
  • Me! My boyfriend has been in Afghanistan since July, but will be home for a few weeks on the 13th. Then he has to go back until the end of June. The next 4 months are going to be really hard for me, and I really want to lose about 15 pounds or so before he comes back. Then were supposed to be going to Punta Cana so I am…