What's the best time to work out?

I have a delimna. I work 20 miles away from where I live- ONE way. That's 40 miles a day and it's about an hour each way. I leave at 7:30 AM and leave work at 5:30 PM....by the time I get home at 6:30-6:45 pm I am exhuasted. It's hard for me to eat dinner and then go to the gym. But I don't want to go to the gym and then eat dinner b/c by that time it's past 9 PM.- and it's not good to eat that late. I can't even eat a snack in the car bc I'm still starving when I get home and I can't work out on a hungry stomach. I would LOVE to become one of those people who get up at 5 am and work out. I've done it a few times, but it's soooooooo hard. If could work out from around 5:15-6:30 and then change and head to work my life would be so much easier. Advice? Thoughts?


  • alishajohnson
    I'm kind of in the same situation. I leave for work at 7 am and don't get home until 5:30 or 6 sometimes. Lately what I've been doing is walking in the house and starting my dinner and while it's cooking I exercise. I do the walk away the pounds dvd. Like today, I came in and put my turkey tenderloin in the oven on 325 and worked out while it cooked. By the time it was done I was done exercising and was ready to eat.
  • hugnkiss8
    Do you get an hour for lunch? I only get a 1/2 hour but I have been starting to go up to our gym here at work and do the elliptical for 25 mintues. I usually take a quick 15 minute break to grab something to eat and hour before.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Have a fitness routine that you do at home! Take a fitness class that you love, like Zumba, Yoga, aerobics, whatever. Take this one night a week (that's it) or even one day on a weekend. Use the knowledge and skills you gain from these classes and work-out at home! No car, no wasted money, no fuss! Maybe also start running? There are plenty of guides online for beginner runners (I've tried it, it's just not my thing) Or what about jumping rope and doing light stretching?

    Don't bother with the gym if it only makes you mre sleep-deprived and stressed out, this is a lifestyle change that we are looking for, not to burden or punish ourselves.

    I now live in the middle of no where in Northern Ontario, where there are no yoga classes, so I use my knowledge from prior yoga classes and use Tara Stiles (free) podcasts that I download from itunes.

    Hope this gives you something to think about :)
  • Momo84
    Momo84 Posts: 13
    Haha thanks everyone. Thing is, I'm training for a 5k in April so I need a treadmill. I can't do workout DVD's either bc I have no tv in the living room- just bedroom (but no workout room)...I don't have cable and don't watch tv....Yea I know I'm weird. BUT that actually does make you go to the gym more....Looks like I'm gonna be training my body to get up at 5. :noway:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Do you have a dvd drive on your computer? Can you put that in the living room?

    Sometimes I just pull stuff up on Youtube, like random Zumba classes, or even trying to learn the Thriller dance. Or I just get a pair of hand-weights, put on some music, and boogie. Maybe throw in some crunches or pushups or jumping jacks.