

  • Everyone's right, I can't tell you how many times I have tried to Make up for it by not eating at all the next day, or working out like a fiend...yeah it just makes it worse...That's what the 80- 20 rule is for... you eat right and workout 80% of the time so you can chill and do whatever 20%. Just get back to it and…
  • I have been drooling over the vitamix for years! Yes they are expensive, but they do everything...they were on sale at Costco and I got to see ( hug ahem, ) one up close and realized that the sucker is loud! also really big, like wouldn't even fit under my counter. So I got a 30$ Ninja and it works great and at that price…
  • Miss Yolanda is right! Most of us are here for the same reason as you. I also had childhood abuse issues, as well as restricted foods. ( they thought my sister was too fat, so they wouldn't let us eat. tmi I know, but obvisously it bcame a "thing" ) It would be the only thing that got me outta bed in the morning, thinking…
  • I cook mine in the rice cooker....it's easy that way :), I use the brown rice setting.
  • OMG thank you so much for asking this and posting her answer! I have been wondering the same thing AND trying to stick to 900 calories on Medifast And still trying to workout at least 45 min. a day. I have been a Crazy beeyatch and there were a couple of days where I just ate everything in sight. After reading this, I will…
  • Hi Guys! I have been suffering from PCOS too...for years. Been on Metaformin...and they now want to do ovarian wedge reccection surgery! I couldn't have babies because of it. ( boo! ) BUT we have adopted two beautiful boys, and now I'm super motivated to get this weight off to keep up with them he he. I'm on Medifast right…
    in PCOS Comment by queenkimie April 2011
  • If you have a Fresh and Easy near you...try thier brand of Greek Yogurt. It's not as think as others and yummy. It does have sugar but hey :)
  • Hey I'm doing Medifast too! I'm only on week 2...still struggling a little but finding my groove :) Good to have a buddy!
  • Try Zumba! It's fun, so it will shake up your routine and it's all ab work. Plus it's fun to shake it :) My kids attempt doing it with me, then get bored and go play.