28BK5 Member


  • i do eat when i can, i pack my food for the day, however in my line of work, there are a lot of times that i dont get to chow down, due to structure fires, accidents, EMS calls, and its a hell of a lot easier to care My BCAA infused drink than a fitness cooler full of food. Its sucks sometimes but i have to do with what i…
  • I agree laugh and walk away, i personally think that a good nutrition is the key to weight loss.... 80% nutrition (what you eat, when and how) 20% weight training and cardiovascular training I do take supplements, pre workouts and intra workouts, but don't buy into the weight loss quick get thin schemes........
    in Isagenix Comment by 28BK5 April 2014
  • 1 tablespoon Krema peanut butter (only kind ill eat); 6 egg whites...
  • same as me i really hate the texters who take up time sitting on valuable equipment, facebooking, twittering and texting friends, nothing worse than loosing a good pump in the gym because of a inconsiderate fellow gym member.........
  • hey all been on here for a few months, and love it, i post daily, about me I am a fother of four and a firefighter medic, along with being on call 24/7 as a SWAT medic..... I have been on a weight loss journey for 5+ years and it has been the hardest thing i have ever done, I was 320 pounds and currently now 197 pounds.…