mlclark86 Member


  • She is 5'1 so she could theoretically be 127 and still have a fair amount of muscle tone. At the lightest side of healthy a person of her height could be 100lbs. 127 is still within the range and allows for healthy muscle weight.
  • would not be muscle weight yet. It is most likely water weight. As you begin to work out those muscles, they tend to hold on the more water and make repairs. Just wait it out.
  • I would just watch what you are putting into the smoothies. If you like them great, but maybe try to cut out some of the fruit until you are at the point where you are putting the smallest amount of fruit in them but still enjoying them. I don't have anything against them, and many instructors and trainers at the gym I…
  • Perhaps you didn't mean to, but this comes off as very judgmental and offensive to me, and I would assume to the OP as well. As for the OP, I would agree that you should probably try to eat another form of protein. Even a low mercury fish is probably too much eaten every day for two meals. Perhaps eat half the serving for…
  • I try to stick to what is easy for lunch....tuna, turkey, chicken sandwich with lots of fresh fruits and veggies on the side is one. Another is a giant salad. I try to keep baked chicken (or even sometimes a bit of lean steak) in the fridge and I take a bunch of romaine and spinach, a couple of cut up strawberries, half a…
  • Prednisone can cause weight gain unfortunately. But I warn you as a nursing student who just spent time learning about this, even if you start gaining weight keep taking med as directed....the dose will be tapered off to prevent side effects that can be dangerous. As for the weight gain, I was taking it for 2 wks a few…
  • You could probably do to eat a bit more calories, as your body is spending cals to warm you up and may not be able to do that efficiently on your calorie intake.
  • this is why I take a day to eat what I have craved but avoided all week. Every Saturday morning I weigh in. If my weight loss meets or surpasses my goal, I take a day off, don't log, and eat that donut I wanted, or have pancakes and bacon for breakfast or something similar to these. I don't get too excessive, but I…
  • I don't see why this would be impossible...I burn about 650 cals on the elliptical in an hour and a half. If I went for another 30min, I would prolly be just under 1000 cals burned. OP: I would not advise continuing this long term. There are days where I eat 1600 and burn more than 600 putting me under 1000cals but this is…
  • Hi! I am 29yrs old, 5'6, and mother of two girls, 8 and 3. I started off a little over a week ago at 138, but am currently around 136. My ideal weight is 120 if I am not building any muscle but I would be just as happy 125-130 if it was lean muscle instead of flabby fat. My go to foods are oatmeal; raw carrots, celery,…
  • Thanks for all the advice and info! I think I will keep at least 2 days a week of pure in the elliptical for at least as hour, but no more than 1.5 hours. Then I think I am going to add strength training the other 2 days a week followed by 30-45 min on the elliptical depending how I am feeling. I have come the…
  • As for my body telling me, I am in no increased pain from my workouts and I am eating a bit more to compensate for the calories and such that I am losing during. As for weight lifting, I could use some pointers there....I feel like I don't know where to start or what to focus on.
  • Well, most of the 20 year old men have no idea what they're doing when it comes to lifting, so nothing to be self conscious about.[/quote] You are most likely right...I just need to get over it and get in there. I know that once I do it once it will get easier...just gotta talk myself into it that first time.
  • I do want to add strength training to my routine, but I hate the weight area in my gym. It is always full of 20year old men who lift regularly and as a almost 30 year old woman I feel intimidated and awkward. I haven't done much lifting since high school and every time I think about doing it I talk myself out of it because…
  • Long breaks don't work for me because I tend to lose focus and start off on then I am eating too much, exercising too little and then I avoid coming back for too long because I know I have to start again. Instead, every Saturday I weigh in. If I have met or exceeded my weekly loss goal then I don't log for that day and eat…
  • I don't count carbs but I do try to watch how much carb loaded foods I eat throughout the day. But my main focus is staying under calories. My dad swears by low carb dieting and it works for him, but I don't want to be miserable trying to lose and I enjoy carbs.
  • I agree with above. If you have it set to sedentary then count the steps. ☺
  • It isn't abnormal for your weight to fluctuate a couple of pounds. It probably means nothing. Things like ovulation or that time of the month or holding on to water weight can make that 2lb difference in the scale. I would say wait it out and see if the scale moves back in the right direction. If it continues to rise then…
  • I was always tiny....5'6 and 125 at my heaviest after army bootcamp ( and that was after putting on 15+ off muscle weight). Then I had my first child...and bounced right back to 125 6 weeks after she was born. But the pregnancy # 2 happened and I gained 65lbs and was shocked when they told me that she only accounted for 6…
  • You could try filling the time with something else...I know when I had this problem last time I tried to start a healthier life, I would go for a walk if I was thinking about food. If I couldn't walk I would make it a point to get to bed as early as possible (within reason) so as to not give me so much time to think about…
  • Although I am just getting back on track, I can say that MFP is truly amazing. I have never managed to stay on track for mor than a week or two before I started using this. Last time I was using this, I was on it for a few months, and lost 20 lbs in that time. Good luck with your goals! Feel free to friend me!
  • Gotta make sure you put some work in for the extra calories! No big know better for next time. Just rock it out today! I LOVE to eat so I am trying to burn 400+ calories a day so I can eat more and not worry so much.
  • I wouldn't feel defeated...your body is probably just building a bit of muscle back. Even though it isn't a huge workout and your aren't in pain, it is more that you were doing when you were just calorie counting. Give it some more time and make sure that you keep watching calories as well as walking!
  • I generally do a 6 days on one day off...but some days are harder than others. One day I might burn 500-600 calories and the next only 100-200. My thing is to do something everyday...even if it is to take a 15-20 min walk or march in place for a while when watching t.v . Even on my day off I do p90x X stretch to keep my…
  • a former military woman, I take offense to this comment. Not all women are created equal, is what I say! :)
  • I wouldn't worry about before or after coffee...just be consistent. I enjoy my coffee and then weigh in about a hour later before I eat my breakfast.
  • I am looking for buddies too...and my goal is the same 20lbs. I am 5'6 and 143. I want lots of support because this is not the first time that I am starting a fitness and nutrition goal...not even the first time this year lol. I am two weeks in and like the support I get from the friends I have made so far and would love…
  • I have been exercising on a daily basis for 16 day now. Two weeks ago my exercises consisted of some sit ups and push ups VERY modified and running for about 5 min. I was a mess the first few days, my whole body hurt! Today I decided to take an actual run for the first time since I was in the army almost 8 years ago. I…
  • Thank you so much! There was so much good info and tips and I am taking them all to heart. Unfortunately I live with extended family who are NOT going to give up cookies and donuts and so they will always be in the house until my family moves out. I have decided that giving myself one day to eat the things I am missing (…