water release?!

How long will it take for water to release from muscles afer starting a walking routine of 2-4 miles a day? I lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks by just cutting calories. I started walking 3 weeks ago and gained a pound the first week and have maintained the next two weeks (to now). Can this still be water retained in my muscles? I am not sore like when muscles are really worked hard. So frustrated...I feel defeated :'(


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you lost 13 pounds in three weeks, and feel defeated by a gain of a pound??

    btw, you know what happens to women every 3-4 weeks? yeah, you're probably up a pound because of that.
  • mlclark86
    mlclark86 Posts: 33 Member
    I wouldn't feel defeated...your body is probably just building a bit of muscle back. Even though it isn't a huge workout and your aren't in pain, it is more that you were doing when you were just calorie counting. Give it some more time and make sure that you keep watching calories as well as walking!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I don't think that water will get "released." It stays with your muscles as you use them.

    Has your diet changed at all? How often do you weigh? Assuming you weigh once a week, chalk it up to measurement error and water retention and keep doing what you're doing.
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Agree. But look at other things too. Sodium. measuring food accurately. Low water intake (I know it sounds like an oxymoron). Hormones are absolutley an issue, particularly with women. So don;t be discouraged. Look for the evidence and keep doing what is working (Walking is a GREAT thing)
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    Don't feel defeated. You lost a lot the first 3 weeks. Probably a great digestive cleanse..not necessarily fat.m now your body is catching up..so you,probably are filling your digestive tract back up but losing fat and gaining muscle which weights more so weight is is same but still adjusting. Don't focus so much on the number...keep,going. If after 3 months you haven't kissed anything than you might want to worry but for now just keep,watching your calories..make sure you eating enough nutrient dense foods, and continue to up your activity level. Good luck, your doing fine..it's only week 5
  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    I agree. I usually only weight. Yield once a month. The week after my tom. You can weight weekly if you want but I only take this one time seriously. I usually fluctuate throughout the week but always drop back down by this time.
    you lost 13 pounds in three weeks, and feel defeated by a gain of a pound??

    btw, you know what happens to women every 3-4 weeks? yeah, you're probably up a pound because of that.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    You're only trying to lose 25 lbs, and lost 13 in the first three weeks? I'm pretty sure that was your water release.

    Keep eating a healthy amount of calories at a small deficit, add in walking (and some form of strength training if you can), and try not to let minor fluctuations (sometimes as high as 4 or 5 lbs) bother you. Weight loss is not linear.
  • ShariTho1
    ShariTho1 Posts: 85 Member
    Just an FYI...I never know when TOM is coming around because I had a hysterectomy two years ago. Maybe that is the problem though.