ayj72 Member


  • I too struggle to get myfitnesspal pal and Fitbit to sync sometimes. I use a variety of solutions the least helpful of which are myfitnesspal pal themselves who just sent me endless emails without actually reading mine properly (it seemed). I use my myfitnesspal on my phone and the 3 things that work for me (not…
  • I'm invariably over 12.5k on Fitbit. I do have trouble getting mfp to sync to Fitbit
  • I have an alta and a surge and am having the same problem. My last calorie adjusted exercise sync from Fitbit was on Wednesday. I've taken all the steps suggested in the help article I found and have reported the problem to myfitnesspal but they've done nothing beyond sending me a very long email explaining how to log…
  • Without a doubt the treadmill is very boring, I much prefer to run outside. When I run or walk or do housework or cook for that matter I always listen to audio books on my ipod. I love reading but don't get much time to, I have a montly subscription to www.audible.co.uk that I pay £16 for which gives me 2 book credits per…
  • thanks :smile:
  • I did the Atkins diet for almost a year. Initially I lost lots of weight and got down to goal but in the long term I found it was so restrictive that I felt deprived for much of the time, which meant that when I did decide to have a blow out I really went for it. Gradually my weight crept back up and I became stuck in a yo…
  • I think that mariesellers1 is doing more or less what I'm going to try to do, I hadn't really thought about grams but I had got as far as deciding that during the week I would only eat carbs once per day, preferably not for the evening meal. I try to do lots of exercise and found that Atkins didn't really leave me with…
  • thanks guys. I'm of to eat some food!
    in wish me luck Comment by ayj72 March 2011