Great job how many calories are u burning
I was thinking we could do a private Facebook group. Let me know what u think. I did drench last night. Wow
I could start the group on Monday if that works for everybody
In that time frame it is very realistic. Why by christmass
Have you tried making it an event for the family
Due to a family emergency I will not be able to run this as planned. I will try to do the group in a few weeks.
Thats great Im still organizing and will get in contact with you in a few days
all right the organization is almost done. I will be running it on Facebook since its easier to run a closed group on there. please message me on here if you are still interested
Start day will be Monday. I am still organizing the program will let you know more details in the next few days
Great I'm excited. I will let everyone know the details later today
No equipment involved all body weight
It will be a 30 day private group challenge. I will post the challenge everyday and check back to see who's done it. I've done them before it's fun
No just simply putting what works for me
Yes the reason why I would suggest this is because it worked for me
my type of girl
You got this. Starting with a good nutritional shake first thing in the morning helps
cream pies
You could join a community or if your just starting I would try a 3-day refresh
To start with you look amazing. But every time I get back from a vacation I use 3-day refresh to get back on track
I would suggest trying a product like shakeology. That help curb my hunger for sweets
Have you tried a cleanse. I was having the same problem and tried one and lost those last pounds
It varies mostly because of water weight though
I also live in wisconsin go summerfest right. One of the things I usually do is keep a shakeology shake with me. It works wonders a curbing my hunger and thirst. if you need info on it let me know
Your 100 percent correct I should study up before commenting. I didn't like doing intermittent fasting its not for me
Intermittent fasting is only going to slow down your metabolism. Your going to immediately see results, but in the long run it will be worse for you. If your new to the fitness life I would start with a cleanse