lady120783 Member


  • I have been there as well. I have been an Army wife for 3 years and was in the army for 8 so I know all about the leaving and being "left". My husband just returned from Iraq in September after being gone for a year. YOU ARE STRONG! I found that him coming home was the best motivation to work out as any I have ever had.
  • I have also plateaued. it can be discouraging. A lot of the time when I find I am not loosing the weight its because the muscle gain is catching up. If you check your measurements you may see that you are still loosing weight you are just not loosing it as fast as you are gaining muscle. That is my problem right now.
  • i use Outkast and Black Eyed Peas. Youtube workout music there are some really good playlists on there.
  • I am right there with ya! I have 47 more to go! Its a rough journey but you will get there.
  • Hi been here a week and lost 2 But that will only work if you keep kicking my butt at the gym!