My man deployed this morning.......



  • STurbs33
    STurbs33 Posts: 134 Member
    I don't entirely understand what you're going through because my boyfriend has yet to be deployed anywhere. However, I do know what it's like to go without seeing him for weeks at a time. Use your sadness as a motivation to work out even harder. I find that if I'm just sitting around thinking about him, I miss him more, get more sad and am more likely to eat or just be lazy and sulk. But if I go work out or do anything active, I'm not as focused on how much I miss him and in the process, I'm doing something that's beneficial for me.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm so sorry. praying for you and your fiance! I have never dated a soldier but have had a lot of friends in the military and I know how hard it can be on the both of you... feel free to add me for support if you would like.
  • ezramedic
    ezramedic Posts: 119
    Navy? I've been a navy wife for seven years this April. I know how that is, sweetie. My husband was chosen for IA and is leaving for a year in Afghanistan. I always use deployments as motivation to get smokin' for when he returns.

    Ditto! My husband is Navy, too & we've gone through multiple IA deployments to Afghanistan. (BOO!)

    I use it as a selfish time to work on myself. I take night classes (whatever I want, pottery, yoga, etc) as well as work on organising myself, etc.

    I also try and put a positive spin on it. If you're home alone, you can watch whatever trash you want on tv, you can lay in the bath with a book until you're a prune, or whatever YOU want to do. Lucky you, right?

    At least, that is what works for me.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    God bless him and

    God bless America....

    he is the superhero of today!

    you thank him for me please

    God be with you...

    Lt Bill Norton (ret.)
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    Aw! Thank you both so much for the sacrifices you are making for our country. Don't be sad... swing by the gym on the way home and work all those feelings out. That is the best advice I can offer. If you wear yourself out, then maybe you will just go home and sleep.

    I agree with this, hit the gym instead. Burn off the anxiety, and just keep thinking about him coming home and like you said, lookin and at you and saying "DAMN!". I feel for you girl. You are strong though and you and do it! Say no to food as a comfort! Thank you for you and your soon to be husband's service! I am truly grateful! Good luck to you!
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    awwww. i wish i could hug you!!...we don't have the same situation but, my fiancee and i have had a long distance relationship for 2 years. he's hopefully moving in soon. but everytime he would leave after being here for a couple weeks or month or so, i would eat. until i thought i was going to puke. so i somewhat know where you are coming from, but i understand at the same time that it is SOO much different. though you have a lot more stress i bet, the wedding, and having him gone. i'll definitely add you as a friend :) you can do this. you'll be so absolutely proud of yourself. and it'll be your exciting!!! pure bliss :)
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
    Again, thank you all!!

    Because of the support I have been getting, I decided to start a group on here for support. It's called Healthy Military Spouses!! Search for that and it's public to join! I think it would be great to support eachother through the crazy weight loss journey and the crazy military life!!!
  • Glovesave3373
    Glovesave3373 Posts: 92 Member
    Congrats on the wedding and you can do this... this is the time when will power is going to be tested over and over if you are going to marry a sailor. You have friends here on MFP to help you through it.... as long as you are honest with yourself. NOW LETS GO TO THE GYM OR OUTSIDE FOR A WALK INSTEAD OF IN THE KITCHEN.... YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Thank God for the men and women that protect our freedoms, and their families that are waiting back home.

    Thank you!. I wish you the very best!
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
    awwww. i wish i could hug you!!...we don't have the same situation but, my fiancee and i have had a long distance relationship for 2 years. he's hopefully moving in soon. but everytime he would leave after being here for a couple weeks or month or so, i would eat. until i thought i was going to puke. so i somewhat know where you are coming from, but i understand at the same time that it is SOO much different. though you have a lot more stress i bet, the wedding, and having him gone. i'll definitely add you as a friend :) you can do this. you'll be so absolutely proud of yourself. and it'll be your exciting!!! pure bliss :)

    Thank you so much! Our first 3 years together was long distance...... It definitely sucks! You can definitely add me!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    First off, (((hugs))) you can do it. This life takes a certain kind of strong and classy lady. :o)

    The first time my DH was away was for training... we thought for a # of weeks and it ended up being 364 days before we were finally able to move to be with him. But I set myself a goal to keep up with him! So I was doing planks, situps, pushups, and ruck marches with my 1yo in a backpack. LOL I definitely got the "WOW" when he got home. Unfortunately, I lost my motivation after that.... sigh.... -40 winters haven't helped!!

    Anyway, all that to say - YES! Deployment is the perfect time to focus on health and fitness - you can eat what you want, exercise when you want, use exercise to burn off the stress and use your "WOW" moment as a goal to keep yourself going when you're feeling down in the dumps. Which is not to say you'll never have a down day... I recall sitting on my bed watching military tribute videos and crying into my ice cream more than once...
  • debloves2ride
    Oh sweetie - my husband is retired military and it is so hard to say goodby! I feel for you. But you have this opportunity to make a difference in yourself and surprise the ****ens out of him. you can do this and we are here for you.

    also, thank him for his service to our country and thank you for standing by him and supporting him. Don't forget, the separations are hard on him also!
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    I was married to a marine for 8yrs I watched him leave and come back and leave again! I know exactly how you feel girl! Stay out of those cubbards........get yourself someone who is in the same boat and get to doing things together!!! You have made a goal Now accomplish it! We are all here for you.......

    God Bless you and will be in my prayers!!!! HUGS girl!!!!
  • debloves2ride
    Oh sweetie - my husband is retired military and it is so hard to say goodby! I feel for you. But you have this opportunity to make a difference in yourself and surprise the ****ens out of him. you can do this and we are here for you.

    also, thank him for his service to our country and thank you for standing by him and supporting him. Don't forget, the separations are hard on him also!

    Funny - I didn't add the little **** - not a bad word at all, I guess MFP is really censoring!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    You can do this love!! Kick those cravings in the butt!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    my husband is active duty Army and recently returned from a year long deployment to Afghanistan. I feel your pain, and your pride, and all of it. I feel you!

    use it all as your motivation. use it all as your strength. don't go home and raid the cabinets (although that is what I did when he left). cry if you need to, sleep in his shirts, stay up all night cursing his pillow for being empty... but remember why he, and you, are both going through this.

    you love a man who loves his country as much as he loves you. that makes you both heroes! keep your head up. hit the treadmill when you're stressed out or when you want to give up. be strong for him AND for you. you got this!
  • lady120783
    lady120783 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been there as well. I have been an Army wife for 3 years and was in the army for 8 so I know all about the leaving and being "left". My husband just returned from Iraq in September after being gone for a year. YOU ARE STRONG! I found that him coming home was the best motivation to work out as any I have ever had.
  • kaylork10
    Thank him for his service and thank you for being the (no pun intended) anchor of solitude, serenity, and sanity. I am a 20 year vet (retired in 2010), and know full well that solid, spouses,like yourself and the other awesome people on here, are few and far between. Mine schemed and divorced me right before 9-11, and I began a depressive eating monster culminating with me finding this site and the great support groups like this.
    Good luck on your goals and I'm sure your fiance could care less, but you are doing it for the right reason (for yourself).
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    I've been in your shoes before. Saying goodbye to a hero is a really hard thing to do. However, remember how proud and lucky you are to have someone like him in your life. And use this as motivation. He is out there fighting for you to be free, free to either sit on the couch and waste what he's giving you, or free to make a change in yourself, get healthy, and take advantage of life! Don't do your fiance the disservice of wasting what he's working for. Use your freedom to enjoy the beautiful outdoors, stay alive and kicking for as long as possible, and to walk down the aisle and look smokin' in your wedding dress! I promise you'll feel much better about him being gone if you look at it this way.

    We are all here to support. And tell him thanks from all of us.
  • apriliamark
    Fill the gap with exercise! :)