oyadancing Member


  • I love everyone's NSVs, so encouraging. I admit, I'm a recovering binge shopper, and I love a sale. I used to have the lousy habit of buying clothes without trying them on, hoping they would fit rather than being disappointed in the dressing room when they didn't. Plus, I felt shame (I know, that's crazy) if they didn't…
    in NSV's Comment by oyadancing April 2015
  • I ditto baconslave re: unexpected weight loss: Bra band/underbust, another location for gals to check, I've lost inches there, too, and have gone down a band size. My knees are still fat, tho! LOL
  • I inadvertently licked a bacon fat covered spoon the other day - and liked it! Don't judge. :D Meanwhile, my favorite BPC variation has 1T unsweetened cocoa, 1T coconut oil, 1T kerrygold, and I use the trusty stick blender to really mix this well.
  • baconslave: Lovely job! My favorite topic, eating all the tasty fat. I'm stealing that. (*) Caffeine is also a stimulant for me, so sometimes BPC works too well. Taught me to pay attention!
  • Hi everyone, I was so glad to see this thread last week but only just got a free moment to post. I started eating LCHF Jan 2014 and turned 50 last May. In the past 13 months I've lost 39lbs, from 198 and size 16 to 159 and size 10. And man alive, it has not been steady or predictable in the least! The title upon which I…
  • As for dairy holding up weight loss - getting back to OP - I've read that, too. The lactose - milk sugar - in dairy could have as much as an impact as fructose and glucose. For my own part, I try to avoid milk, yogurt, and half-and-half for that reason. Last week I bumped into (completely by accident, you know) a Starbucks…
  • I got caught up in dairy brainstorming. Sue me, I love cheese. Nowadays, all supermarkets carry all types of cheeses, so no, there's no particular crowd for these. Gouda: A hard, smoked cheese Quark: Like a cross between thick yogurt and sour cream Greek yogurt: It's everywhere, what's his face from Full House hawks it,…
  • You should give it a try - it's surprisingly good, chocolate and chili or cayenne. As for pre-zested, there's stuff out there but I like fresh, you get the flavor from the citrus oils.
  • You can turn off negative calorie adjustments - go to diary settings on the website then uncheck the option.
  • Ok, you all crack me up, what with free range tofurkies (please tell me it doesn't fly!!) and the ever elusive but oh so vital tin can macro.
  • I've not made beef broth or stock, but have made chicken. The best have come from the boniest parts, and lately, I use the pressure cooker. I oven roast necks and backs for 2 hours or so, then toss them plus any leftover carcasses (saved and frozen from whole roast chickens) into the pressure cooker, add cool water to…
  • Oh rutabagas, I love them but have to budget them in, 1g net carbs per oz. I peel and cube them, and either - toss in oil, lightly salt, and roast for an hour in the oven, or - simmer in water until fork tender then mash with butter.
  • Dan, more dairy: Gouda, blue cheese, greek yogurt (full fat), quark, brie. And my all time fav, a bleu brie, Cambozola - best prices at Trader Joe's and Costco. Heavenly in omelettes.
  • Welcome! Glad to hear you're enjoying cooking low carb (I do too, a whole lot.) So many great recipes out there to try!
  • Hang in there, you'll get through this! :smile: You are not alone. This time last year, I didn't know much except that I wasn't sure I was doing it right. And I was scared most of all that *nothing* would happen, the non-moving scale meant I was doing it wrong. None of that was true. First off, the scale lies. All the…
  • Toppings and sauces to add fat to meals: Aioli (egg yolk, oil, garlic), hollandaise (egg yolk and butter), mayo (egg yolk and oil), guacamole. My new favorite: Toum (garlic, oil, egg whites). Once I got over fat fear, I just started thinking about all the unctuous, creamy, fatty things out there that I could slap on top of…
    in Fats Comment by oyadancing February 2015
  • GrannyMayOz: What KeithF6250 said - half and half is a mix of milk and cream, and is commonly available in the markets here in the states, sometimes more than heavy whipping cream - darn fat phobic folks! Of which I was one... In the recipe, you can substitute the 2 pints half and half with either 1 pint of cream and 1…
  • What a lovely idea; thanks for starting it. I'm forever grateful for my mama who is 79, healthy, gracious, generous, and thoughtful. She continues to be a great role model to me; like I said on my profile, I want to be just like her when I grow up.
  • My diary is public so all can peek away, plus feel free, you can friend me if you like. Beware, I'm on day 10 of a "pork fast".
  • I'm so sorry - that sounds horrible. Glad you didn't have to go to the ER. As for working off the extra carbs, I wouldn't worry about it, you'll get back on track within at most a week just going back to eating low carb.
  • Unsweetened canned coconut milk with erythritol plus stevia may work. Here's a recipe from a site I love: http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2012/03/lime-tastic-tartlets-low-carb-sf-gf-2.html Good luck,let us know how it works out.
  • Some general tips: Whole fat dairy has much less lactose (sugar) than reduced fat; try to make sure your yogurt is unsweetened full fat, full fat greek yogurt even tops that. Even so, sour cream and creme fraiche have even fewer carbs and taste great. I usually have bulletproof coffe for breakfast with butter and coconut…
  • That made me snort laugh! Licking the plate: Only when noone's looking! And even then, I know my mama can see... Now I'm gonna have to find a country gravy recipe! LOL
  • It varies, as low as 2g to as high as 12g if I have avocado or artichokes that day. I like veggies, I'm careful to eat those that are already low in carbs. I don't augment fiber, everything is all good, what with all the fat and water. Most augmented fiber (rather than that from leafy greens) is soluble like fiber from…
  • I had some GI distress a few weeks back, for about 4 days, and didn't want to get off the LC wagon. I resisted my normal go to of rice, noodle soup, and crackers, and ate sugar-free jello and pudding, and drank chicken broth, lots and lots of water, and herbal teas. For a tad more bulk, I mixed pumpkin puree with canned…
  • I think the weight loss has slowed as you've got much less to lose. And that's what I'm telling myself, too :smiley: From what I've read,. 0 5 for blood ketones is ketosis - which means you're doing great - and more ketosis is not necessarily better, but please don't listen to me, YMMV. Dr. Peter Attia's got lots to say on…
  • radii (*) (Forgive me if you've read me babbling about stalls somewhere else around here.) I completely understand. I have never lost steadily, week to week, that's just how my body works. For me, 2 even 3 weeks without a loss is normal. 2 months make me ponder tweaking my diet or other things in my life like water intake,…
  • sborn1: Yum! I do love all liver. Make sure not to overcook, it gets tough and lousy if well done. For cooking beef liver, I pan fry in bacon fat 3-4 minutes on each side over medium heat, and serve with sautéed mushrooms and bacon.
  • You did great! You did not shy away from having fat, or putting fat on top of,fat! Now, were your friends envious, were there obvious wistful sighs, or did someone dare give you the side eye? LOL
  • Homemade microwave pork rinds <3 http://www.amazon.com/Carolina-Gold-Nuggets-Microwave-Bake-N-Puffs/dp/B002O5QWD8/ref=pd_sim_gro_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1PQVHF3FGZWYT9ZEH8T2