

  • Hello, Your story sounds like mine. I will never judge and I understand completely what you are going through----this whole journey isn't easy. I have done many diets in the past and I have tried to loose weight for many different people in my life. This time I honestly believe is different. My head is in a good place and…
  • This is just my opinion.... I am doing low carbs and many fruits are very high in carbs and sugar ...... specially apples and bananas. Stay away from the fruit for awhile it may help you.
  • I am in the same boat and this is my first day on this website. I actually started my journey about three months ago and as of today I have lost 25 pounds. So far, I love this website----it's comforting to know that other people are having the same difficulties as I. Food as always been a friend of mine---through the good…
  • I know how you feel, I need to loose about 160 pounds myself. I've been low carbing for about three months and I have lost 25 pounds. I didn't know this website existed until today, I will friend anyone who needs encouraging because I know that I do as well. I have been taking just one day at a time and sometimes just one…
  • I am in the same boat----I am morbidly obese. I've been doing low carbs for about three months. I started slow and worked my way into it. I no longer eat bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, etc.... I eat something small every three hours and I never feel hungry. As of today, I have lost 25 pounds and I have a lot more to go but…