TinaLauritsen Member


  • I got myself an exercise hula hoop that weighs 1.2 kg, since it's all about the weight here in Scandinavia.
  • I follow this program just to get started, don't think I've used a hula since I was 10, so I'm a little out of practice :D http://iform.dk/traening/traeningsformer/powerhoops-6-ugers-program-med-hulahopring (In Danish, but it gives you the idea :) )
  • Try Withings Pulse, I've heard so much bad stuff about FitBit, like it registered that you walk even though you are sitting still. I've had the Pulse since June, never had any problems, and it syncs perfectly with MFP :)
  • I use the Withings Pulse. As far as I could read it is the most accurate on the market, and it tracks starts, sleep, calories and elevation. However, it is not waterproof, which can be irritating at times, but Withings is launching their Pop quite soon, and that one should have 8 months battery life, and be waterproof.…
  • That's the way I felt when I just started running, and then I stopped, cuz no way I wanted to feel like that EVER! But then last year I found the C25K running program, and since then it's been going great! Even completed a 10K run in the autumn. So start slow :)
  • I weigh myself everyday, it's just easier to get the average that way, and I have the smart body analyzer from Withings, which makes a pretty graph for me :D
  • That sounds like my two cats. I've had Kitty since she was a kitten, and got her sister Muffin from the same litter when she was about 9 months. Muffin can be a real ***** some times, she would pee in my bed, in the kitchen sink, scratch me and kitty out of the blue. I've solved the peeing problem with getting some fancy…
  • I suffer from this badly too! But I just don't buy it, if I don't have it I can't eat it, it doesn't get easier than that. And then I make sure I always have some healthy snack, like nuts or carrots in my back, so if I get hungry while being somewhere I won't go to a store and snack on something stupid. :smile:
  • I never really saw myself as overweight, just always complained that clothes would look stupid, and that I looked fat and so on, but all girls do that, so never really thought about it until my friend told me that I should start working out with her, and that it would be a good idea to track my weight and measurements if I…
  • Urgh, I really don't like cottage cheese, would replace it with Greek yogurt, then it sounds delicious :D
  • I asked my doctor about this, since many people put on weight when they start those pills, and the only thing the pill or any other kind of birth control does, is make you feel hungry, what you choose to do with that hunger, is completely up to you. :smile:
  • Thanks for posting this! We are about the same height, start weight and goal. I'm at 145 now, but I don't have any pictures from when I started, but looking at yours I can see that I must have come a very long way as well! This was good for my motivation :smile:
  • I have them on my belly as well, they came after gaining weight fast. Managed to get them somewhat away by massaging the fattest Nivea cream onto them every night/morning. :smile:
  • I do this too, and there has been studies made that show you burn more fat if you exercise before you first meal, just remember to drink a lot of water :smile:
  • Depending on what's on sale, I'll use either of the 3, the wella one smells soooo good :heart: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Natural-World-Moroccan-Moisture-Treatment/dp/B00DDTMHL0…
  • I started with 1200 cal too, and I was hungry ALL THE TIME! It's impossible to stick to anything if you are starving, so first I raised it to 1300, and when I was still loosing, I put it at 1400. Now I'm no longer hungry, and the weigh is still coming off. :smile:
  • I take some low fat Greek yogurt, add some vanilla, lemon juice and a table spoon of honey. Mix it up, and add a little bit a toffee sauce on top. I love it! It goes for around 250 cal :smile:
  • I have a friend who does this, and yes she is healthy, but she is also not loosing any weight, cuz her meal sizes are super big, and she claims that eating clean will take care of it. I still like the idea of eating clean, and do it as much as I can/feel like, I'm just combining it with counting calories, cuz just because…
  • I used to have bad knee and ankle problems too, but just cycling went fine, and took some of the pain away too because the muscles eventually got stronger, just start on flat roads. :)
  • I take a shake after a workout, discovered it helps with muscle soreness. Just put the power and water in my shaker, and that's it. But I only use whey, never get the cheap artificial crap from the supermarkets, it's no good!
  • In the beginning I would be like, uhh yes cheat day!!! And then go crazy! But I didn't take me long to see that it didn't do me any good, I would hate myself the next day when I saw my weight, and even more, when it took a week to get back to where I was before the cheat day. So now I will just do one meal a week, which…
  • Yes, I go for 1380 a day as a minimum, and then ad when I exercise. And so far it's been working, 2.8 kg lost since I started 52 days ago.
  • I really hate it too, but mostly because I am in terrible shape and never have done any demanding cardio before. I did however get hooked on the c25k running app, it can be mean, but after only using it for 4 weeks I can really feel what it has done to me (managed to run after the train without breaking a sweat or loosing…