JMS11366 Member


  • I live in the UK and fibre is already taken from the carb totals on our labels. I put Tesco or Sainsbury's in front of a product i am logging and it takes fibre off. For example 200g of Tesco strawberries will come out 2g of carbs less than plain strawberries.
  • Hi Wendy. I'm Jill. I have been on mfp for a few years on and off. More off lately. Like you I had lost 1 1/2 stone then I lost my dog, my brother and my mum within a few months of each other and began comfort eating. I've put on 11lbs. I need to focus and start again. I'm planning on Monday as day one. Good luck on your…
  • I'm starting again today too. I have always been a yo-yo dieter but after a bout of food poisoning then a kidney infection I have lost a stone and this has been my incentive to start again and lose more. I have about 30lbs to lose. I have bought myself a fitbit and oiled my bicycle so here goes. Good luck to us all.
  • I have PCOS and and a Type 1 diabetic something which I have ignored for years. I have started a very low carb diet. Eating fresh veg, lean meat and fish and natural live yoghurt. I am also not mixing my carb meals with my 'fat' meals as the body needs insulin to store fat and carbs need me to inject insulin. Basically I…