

  • hey girls! we got 55 pts for monday and 160 for yesterday, woot woot! awesome job everyone. since we haven't heard from samerene in a long time and she hasn't responded to my message, i told jen we needed a replacement. i'll let you know if we end up with a new member of our team! reminder for today- Nutrition - Under…
  • hey girls! i hope everyone is still interested in being on the team. i would hate to lose any of our beauties. here's the point breakdown now that i've finally gathered them and submitted them: wednesday- 525 thursday- 75 friday- 95 saturday- 110 sunday- 45 todays reminder- Nutrition - Under Sodium Exercise - 10 minutes of…
  • i am so so so sorry. after moving all my stuff in the nearly 100 degree heat all day, i was super tired. i didn't even get my laptop out at all. and now that my room is all unpacked and everything looks nice, here i am! how did wednesday, thursday and friday go? did we get all our water in for wednesday? i gotta submit our…
  • welcome aboard new rowers! glad to have you both (:
  • you did such a wonderful job! <3
  • hey girls! we got 160 pts for monday, 120 pts for tuesday.. great work! today was our water day.. i got 9 in so i can't even imagine 18!! way to goooo. i think the most i've drank in one day was 14 and that involved a million trips to the bathroom, hahaha. today ended up being my brothers move in day.. i move into my…
  • hey girls! wonderful job yesterday.. 160 points earned! i did 20 minutes of cardio and the nutrition challenge. i planned to have a lot more time than i actually did so the woodchops didn't happen, i'm sad to say. as soon as i'm settled in i should be right back to completing all the challenges.. sorry girls! i don't mean…
  • umm. not sure what is going on here but about a half an hour ago i posted a big long post apologizing for being the slightest bit m.i.a these past few days. :( i'll never remember everything that i covered but here is the shorter version i guess! sigh. i've been running around packing and making sure everything is set for…
  • i actually JUST finished up watching the first season so it was funny that this showed up. but i loved it! definitely very motivational.
  • thursdays total was 145! great work everyone. that makes our total for the week 1320 which is 425 points higher than last weeks total. that makes me so proud! we really pushed ourselves this week and that's the whole point of the challenge, so, yay! reminder for saturday- Nutrition - Under CARBS Exercise - 50 Lateral…
  • hello beauties (: thank you all so much for all the kind words and well wishes. you don't have to worry about me falling off the wagon just because i live on campus. i've worked WAY too hard to lose 46 lbs. i don't ever want to have to start all over again. i know it won't be the easiest task, but i'm prepared! plus,…
  • you all make me so freaking proud!! we're doing so amazing so far this week, so, lets finish it out strong tomorrow! Nutrition - Under calories Exercise - 50 dumbell pullovers ( today i got the lunges done, was under on carbs and i did 90 minutes of cardio…
  • an hour and a half at the gym and a whole lot of sweat later, my total for today is 1082. not sure what it was but i just felt super motivated today. so i went with it! lol.
  • hello girls! sorry i forgot to post this last night. but, we earned 150 points for monday and 125 for tuesday. yay! keep up the great work (: Wednesday reminder- Nutrition - Under Carbs Exercise - 50 forward lunges ( ah, the dreaded lunge. i didn't do the…
  • hey girls! since i already updated you all on our points earlier, i'll just head right into the reminder for tomorrow. Tuesday- Nutrition - Under Sodium Exercise - 50 reverse crunches ( today i did not get the dumbbell flys done, but, i made up for it by having 2…
  • Hello everyone! I totally forgot to post last night. Oops! But Saturday we earned 115 points and on our water Sunday we earned 515! That is AWESOME. So proud of you ladies (: Here's your Monday reminder- Nutrition - Under Calories Exercise - 50 Dumbell Flys (if you don't have weights, try to make a weight out of something…
  • this next week i can plan my work outs around whatever the majority decides. it's my last week of freedom! lol. on the 17th i move in my apartment at school. there's a kick butt way high tech gym there, though. so, the move won't be stopping me any.. once i get all moved and settled, at least. (: but let me stop getting…
  • hello ladies! it's good to hear from you jenn! so sorry that you've been going through a rough time, though. there is definitely no need to apologize. family first, always. we earned 125 points for friday. great job, everyone! today i was busy packing and cleaning so i didn't make it to the gym. i felt like i needed to do…
  • i think since hardly any of you girls are around right now we'll just go with karen's suggestion and take our water/rest day on sunday. next week we'll have to talk this over ahead of time so we're not last minute scrambling to figure it out, lol. thursday we got ourselves 150 points. after week one, the lean green…
  • okay girls. i'll be back in a few hours with a recap but, weekend rest day okay for everyone? and if so, do we want to do saturday or sunday? let me know asap!
  • 236 just in case my message didn't go through!
  • hello lovelies! yesterday we earned 155 points (: speaking of points, the verdict is in and majority ruled. so! the system has been slightly altered. instead of miles counting for points, it is only going to go by time. 20 minutes of any cardio = 10 points earned. exercise and nutrition point values still stayed the same.…
  • i think the points system is as fair as it can be for this type of challenge. if it is changed to how many calories are burned that would be more unfair, in my opinion. everyone will burn different calories just based on their weight. i liked the daily challenges but i would say if anything focus on two parts of the body a…
  • ah! sorry i didn't mention point values when i sent you the message yesterday. exercise challenges are worth 10 points, nutrition challenges are worth 5. 1 mile of exercise = 10 points. also! 20 minutes of additional cardio (you can't count the time spent doing the daily exercise challenge) that isn't measured in miles…
  • i have to say congrats on being down 102 lbs so far. the weight that you have lost definitely inspires me! sorry there was no change this week, i know how frustrating that can be. keep at it, though. you'll get to your ultimate goal weight in to time.
  • very good job to everyone! tuesday's total points was 95. we are all doing fabulously at keeping up with the daily challenges and i'm super proud! (: today i did both challenges, 5 miles on the spin bike and 1 mile on the treadmill. also did 20 minutes of strength training! reminder for thursday- Nutrition - Under Calories…
  • welcome again! we're glad to have you! i feel you on finally having the time to focus on getting healthy. it's so nice. i hadn't heard of woodchops before this challenge, either! haha. here's a little video that gives you a general idea on how to do them. just do 25 each direction!
  • hey girls! i'm happy to report that we've got our new team member. Jerzeeblondie is now a bold brave beauty! (:
  • hey hi hello! hopefully everyone is doing well. today i'll start off with a little update on our team. jen (the woman in charge of the challenge) was finally able to get a response from verna this morning. unfortunately she has too much going on and had to drop out of the lots to lose challenge and is no longer a member of…
  • hello lovely ladies! hopefully everyone's monday went well. today i managed to accomplish both challenges, do 6 miles on the stationary bike and get an additional 20 minutes of strength training in! i'm still pretty new to strength training and tend to feel a bit lost with what i should be doing. luckily my best friend…