

  • I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's after 9 years of random symptoms. It took an allergist to finally order the right blood test! (I was covered in Hives!) My thyroid levels were still in the normal range, but a new doctor put me on levothyroxine. It took awhile for me to finally wean off the antihistamines, but I…
  • same here! I just noticed that this morning!
  • Thanks! Guess I'll just have to be sure to get up earlier to squeeze in a good workout. Though, I think I can shell out money to the gym now...just found out it will be ANOTHER 2-3 weeks before I can move in :(
  • Thanks so much for all your great advice! Fingers crossed it all starts to work!
  • CW is 184.0...My best friends wedding is June 26 and am hoping to be 170-175 by then. Started Sunday the 23rd and have lost 5lbs since then....
    in June Comment by halielilith June 2010
  • If your knee doesn't hurt while running, I don't think a knee brace is necessary. I had surgery on my left knee, and mine too "locks up" on me after keeping it bent or straight for long periods of time. The best thing I've found to help is to straighten it when bent occassionally and to bend it while straighten it. This…
  • I am so glad I found your posting this morning! I'm a senior at Purdue, and will be starting 4 years of grad school next fall. It is very difficult to lose weight, especially when those around you don't care about their weight/health. I've found that since I got back from Spring Break, all of my motivation to keep going…
  • Hey all! I'm 22...still stuck in college, will be graduating in May, but will have to go to grad school for another four years. I'm looking to lose about 35 pounds
  • Just found the site today, and LOVE that it has message boards! I used to use fitday.com, but it lacked the sense of community...just the food and exercise bit. A little about myself....I am a 22 year old senior in college, about to enter grad school for another 4 glorious years in college. I am an Alpha Xi Delta sorority…
  • Just found the site today, and LOVE that it has message boards! I used to use fitday.com, but it lacked the sense of community...just the food and exercise bit. A little about myself....I am a 22 year old senior in college, about to enter grad school for another 4 glorious years in college. I am an Alpha Xi Delta sorority…
  • I've been on Seasonale for over 5 years...no weight gain from the pils, and only 4 periods a year is wonderful!