

  • I know this but to get a toned stomach you need to lose the fat? I could do a million sit-ups everyday but that wouldn't rid the fat
  • Thank you. I just presumed that losing weight would shift the stomach fat. Am I missing something else in getting rid of this stomach?
  • Thanks for all the info everyone. I just find it strange that I've hot my target weight but continue to have a bit of a flabby stomach. I'm meant to eat to keep my weight but I want this stomach shifted. It's really getting me down now
  • Thanks everyone. I actually had my Friday treat of a cream muffin and went 200 calories over :( 1st day in over a week I've gone over. I will certainly try the peanut butter. Are we talking a tablespoon of it straight from the jar?
  • I should also say 25g protein shake with water (my protein unflavoured whey) after each weights session.
  • Thanks again to everyone for their input. I Have the following program, please feel free to crtiicise : Monday - Football 1 hour intense Tuesday - chest & arms/ plank 15kg dumbell, 25kg barbell Weds - 5k run Thurs - Back, shoulders, lunges 15kg dumbell, 25kg barbell fri - chest & arms/ plank 15kg dumbell, 25kg barbell. sat…
  • Thanks again. The internet is great but ive read so much conflicting stories about doing cardio after weights is a bad move and vice versa. As you say, each to their own. Now the hard part of maintaining weight.
  • Great website, its really given me some good ideas now. One final question... Is it a good idea to do weights before or after cardio? or do the cardio on a completely different day?
  • Thanks everyone.... even the city fan ;) Im 5'11 so yes, dropping anymore weight would make me look gangly and thin which isnt the look. Im not really going for a big muscly look, I dont really have the time to do lots of weight and I dotn think its in my genes to get big, however a nice toned look I think im capable of…
  • Really need help with this now. After this weekend im switching to "maintaining weight" as I really dont want to drop under 11 stone and be borderline on underweight. My stomach has gone down a bit but not as much as id hope. Shall I carry on losing weight until its gone? or just do more cardio whilst eating healthier? Im…
  • This thread has made me want a mcdonalds so bad :(
  • I think youve read it wrong. Im saying your body loses its ability to burn fat for the next 2 days after consuming coke
  • is there truth that if you drink say a can of cola your body cant burn fat for the next 2 days?
  • Im the same as you, I eat a lot of fruit each day which puts me over, but its natural sugar which I *think* is ok? I do at the weekend maybe treat myself to some chocolate though. All about portion control :)
  • Thanks for all your advice here. This week Ive hit my weight goal of 11 stone, although I havent really lost my stomach im going to continue my cardio work of about 10k -15k each week. I lifted weights monday, barbell lifting for my chest for about 20 mins including rest, 5k run (30 mins) then protein shake. Im planning on…
  • I was advised on another thread to not start taking protein shakes/weights until ive hit my weight goal. Im 11 stone on the dot now so ive started on the weights and a protein shake after my workout. I was just under the impression that by excerising like I have and eating healthily the fat would dissapere Like I said, im…
  • Dermatitis? I know if I work out pretty hard I get the same symptoms and a bit of a heat rash. I went to the doctors and got prescribed a mild steroid cream which touch woods keeps it under control. Try and drink lots of water and keep hydrated, moistorise your whole body after getting out of a shower too. Another cause…
  • Thanks for the explanation, I cant seem to find on the app where to go to alter the goals. My personal goals, lose stomach fat, maintain weight around 11-11.5 stone and to build/tone muscles. Any advice on what macro goals to adjust and to what extent would be helpful. Thank you.
  • Im not quite sure what you mean in the 1st sentence but going off the app it recommends im to intake 84g of protein per day, today Im actually going to go over it as ive had some tuna for dinner and going to a steak night this evening. Apologies if this hasnt answered your question, im pretty new to this healthy eating. Im…
  • Id only ever consider using my shakes again on days i do weight training and wouldnt drink them on cardio days. Ive been told that drinking them within 1 hour of exercise is recommended or before bed when the body starts repairing muscles. I had kidney stones in 2009 and im wary that too much protein could contribute to…
  • it all seems a bit risky for my liking, ideally id like to keep my body clean and fuel it with the correct food. Are you saying for arguement sake, im 50 calories under my daily goal and the protein shake is 40 cal, then id be ok to drink it is at wouldnt add fat?
  • Thanks for the advice. Thats exactly the goal Ive set myself and achieving it so far so good. Doesnt protein shake add any fat to you at all then?
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