Stomach fat not going... HELP!!

Hi Guys.

Had the app about a month and have almost dropped 1/2 a stone to 11 stone which is a good weight for my size & Age (5'11) (32)

Now im not fat at all, im of skinny/atheltic build but i do have a bit of a tubby stomach which is why I started this and to improve my healthy eating.

I hit the majority of my goals each day on the app apart from protein intake which most days im a few off. Ive completely cut out fizzy drinks from 1 or 2 a day to a couple in the last month. Chocolate maybe once a week if that, same with crisps too.

Im eating healthy and running between 5-10k per week , good walks most days burning approx 130 calories and 1 hour of intense football per week. I do free weights 2 or 3 times a week but not to an intense level.

So Ive lost this weight but cant really see it going from my stomach. I dont want to drop and lose anymore weight once I hit 11 stone as im going to maintain that weight then work on weights and hiting my protein intake each day.

Am I going wrong here or is there something im not doing right to achieve the loss of stomach fat?



  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Why are you waiting til you hit a certain weight in order to lift more consistently? Weight lifting has a very powerful affect on your core and stripping the fat..I would start today! :) Plus, you need to realize what a slow and painstaking progress getting rid of fat is...once you realize this you will be better off and more motivated.
  • williamsmufc
    I was advised on another thread to not start taking protein shakes/weights until ive hit my weight goal.

    Im 11 stone on the dot now so ive started on the weights and a protein shake after my workout.

    I was just under the impression that by excerising like I have and eating healthily the fat would dissapere

    Like I said, im not a fat person, just a bit of puppy fat on my stomach.

    Is there a specific exercise I can do/supplements to take to get rid of this?

  • williamsmufc
    Really need help with this now.

    After this weekend im switching to "maintaining weight" as I really dont want to drop under 11 stone and be borderline on underweight.

    My stomach has gone down a bit but not as much as id hope.

    Shall I carry on losing weight until its gone? or just do more cardio whilst eating healthier?

    Im so confused and need some advice :(
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Who told you you need to start on supplements and dramatically increase your calories to do strength training? There is lifting to become a body builder, and there is strength training to become more fit, which are not always the same thing.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    It's because you support MUFC (LOL kidding of course..... City fan here!)

    I would say you need to up the strength / weights training. Cardio is great for dropping weight and great for your heart and general fitness, but to shape and sculpt your body then some kind of resistance training is definitely best for that.

    If you are walking and playing football why not try cutting back on the running and do some more weights?

    At 11 stone and a man, unless you are very short then I agree with what you said, you don't really want to lose any more weight. Running actually burns more calories than strength training (during the time you do it) so if you cut back a little on running and use that time for strength then you certainly would not need to up your calories.

    One thing that happens a lot when people do strength training is they lose lots of inches but not many lbs. Some even have a little gain to start with it. It seems like this is what you are actually aiming for.

    And it doesn't have to be pounding the weights in the gym either. You can have a great strength workout at home just using your own body weight. I recommend a website called Nerd Fitness for some really good body weight workouts.

    Anyway, all that is just my opinion but based on what you have said I would definitely say increasing your strength workouts is the way to get to your goal. Good luck!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    1. start a lifting program that revolves around barbell training, specifically the four main compound lifts- dead lifts, squats, bench press, and overhead press.

    2. Incorporate cardio conditioning into your program. one long cardio session of 20-30 minutes a weekn and two interval training sessions is enough.

    3. Continue eating at a moderate calorie deficit while hitting your macros, especially protein.

    4. Be patient. that is the area you'll lose last.
  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    It will go off eventually.. I am at my last 10 punds to loose and its only now that I see some shrinkage. My belly definately seems less 'dense' if that makes any sense.

    Dont do useless torso exercises they dont help. Spot reduction was debunked ages ago.

    Keep dropping weight, belly fat is the last to go.
  • williamsmufc
    Thanks everyone.... even the city fan ;)

    Im 5'11 so yes, dropping anymore weight would make me look gangly and thin which isnt the look.

    Im not really going for a big muscly look, I dont really have the time to do lots of weight and I dotn think its in my genes to get big, however a nice toned look I think im capable of and to be fair the top half of my body looks pretty good now since ive started on this journey.

    Thanks for your advice with running, Ill do one 5k a week and one football match.

    As for the weights/lifting program, how often do you suggest doing this? I have a set of dumbells & barbells at home. I dont know the exact weight but i can do about 15-20 reps with each before I cant left anymore.

    Thanks again for your advice. Its really great you can all help :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    here, check out how to build your own work out routine.
  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    Well if dropping weight will make you look skinny you need to slap on some muscle. You cant expect to have 20% body fat and look muscular.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Well if dropping weight will make you look skinny you need to slap on some muscle. You cant expect to have 20% body fat and look muscular.

    this too.
  • williamsmufc
    Great website, its really given me some good ideas now.

    One final question...

    Is it a good idea to do weights before or after cardio? or do the cardio on a completely different day?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    personally, i do some cardio as a warm up. don't do a lot, especially if you're going to go heavy on your legs. a 5-10 minute jog or session on the jump rope is good.

    if you must do a full cardio session, do it after your strength training, or on a completely separate day. you also need to learn what works best for you. personally, i like a short run the day after a big leg day because it helps my legs feel better. also, you play soccer, sorry, football, so you probably want pretty fresh legs for the match. so you need to experiment. no one can give you a cookie cutter outline for what is going to work perfectly for you.
  • williamsmufc
    Thanks again.

    The internet is great but ive read so much conflicting stories about doing cardio after weights is a bad move and vice versa.

    As you say, each to their own.

    Now the hard part of maintaining weight.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Well if dropping weight will make you look skinny you need to slap on some muscle. You cant expect to have 20% body fat and look muscular.

    Depends on what you consider "looking muscular" to be. Plenty of guys posting up pictures of their lean and mean with well defined muscles. Example....

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I was advised on another thread to not start taking protein shakes/weights until ive hit my weight goal.

    Im 11 stone on the dot now so ive started on the weights and a protein shake after my workout.

    I was just under the impression that by excerising like I have and eating healthily the fat would dissapere

    Like I said, im not a fat person, just a bit of puppy fat on my stomach.

    Is there a specific exercise I can do/supplements to take to get rid of this?


    no, you cannot spot reduce..

    I would recommend going to a program of heavy lifting using compound movements ASAP..

    starting strength and new rules of lifting are great resources…

    build a program around squats, deadlifts, rows, overhead press, bench press, chin ups/pullups, and aim to work in the 8-10 rep range, three to four sets each ..

    set your macro % to 40P/30C/30F
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks everyone.... even the city fan ;)

    Im 5'11 so yes, dropping anymore weight would make me look gangly and thin which isnt the look.

    Im not really going for a big muscly look, I dont really have the time to do lots of weight and I dotn think its in my genes to get big, however a nice toned look I think im capable of and to be fair the top half of my body looks pretty good now since ive started on this journey.

    Thanks for your advice with running, Ill do one 5k a week and one football match.

    As for the weights/lifting program, how often do you suggest doing this? I have a set of dumbells & barbells at home. I dont know the exact weight but i can do about 15-20 reps with each before I cant left anymore.

    Thanks again for your advice. Its really great you can all help :)

    here is what I would suggest..

    Monday - chest/arms
    tuesday - cardio
    wens - legs
    thursday - football
    friday - back/shoulders
    saturday - rest/whatever
    sunday - rest/whatever

    make sure you have one, 100% rest day …where you pretty much do nothing and let your body recover...
  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    cardio is most definately not bad, its very good for your cardiovascular system. If you are looking to gain weight then probably yea it will be against your goal but you can still exercise just remember to eat those calories back you burn while running.
  • williamsmufc
    Thanks again to everyone for their input.

    I Have the following program, please feel free to crtiicise :

    Monday - Football 1 hour intense

    Tuesday - chest & arms/ plank 15kg dumbell, 25kg barbell

    Weds - 5k run

    Thurs - Back, shoulders, lunges 15kg dumbell, 25kg barbell

    fri - chest & arms/ plank 15kg dumbell, 25kg barbell.

    sat - 100% rest

    sunday - walk, possible weights or cardio
  • williamsmufc
    I should also say 25g protein shake with water (my protein unflavoured whey) after each weights session.