

  • Oh dear what have I done? I was just referring to myself when it came to the chips, chocolate and cheesecake as I love them all and need a bit of motivation to eat less and found the programme motivational. As I said if you don't find this helpful to you am sure there is something out there that is. To each their own. :D
  • I only suggested this because I found it helpful. Please feel free to ignore it. Have a nice weekend. :)
  • Of course I knew all of these things already, just found it a good reminder to help me get back on track and wanted to share it with everyone else. If you did not find it helpful, I'm sure there will be another post that will suit you.
  • Hi living in London, after reaching my goal I've started to slip! So am back to counting my calories and most importantly eating well. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi I've also had back surgery 3 years ago and the best advice I got was from my trainer. Pain is normally defined on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being the highest and 0 meaning no pain. When I first started working out and it was painful my trainer said to me if my pain got to a 6, I was probably ok, anything above that and you…
  • Thanks for the really great advice. I'm going to do a bit of research on comfort eating and see if I can't come up with some coping strategies. It's very interesting that a few people got the stress/anxiety emotions that I'm going through at the moment without me saying anything about it. Need to re-focus and get back on…
  • Thanks for that! I don't normally keep anything like that in the house! Just got a few chocolates for the kiddes as we have a few spending the night. Thanks for the advice! x
  • Life has been quite traumatic this last year and I am still recovering from the loss. Every time I start to lose a few pounds and get that empty feeling. I panic and start to eat, therefore the up, down, up down. I really need to get a grip!!!!
  • So glad someone owned up to going there! McDonalds is the Devil and I am a sinner! Love the McFlurry, especially the cream egg McFlurry! Only comes out at Easter time and last year I only had 2. :)
  • Morning Nottinghamshire Yes, we in London have sun too! It's just wonderful! I feel like I should get out there and run a marathon before the rain comes!!! I know what you are saying about giving yourself treats, but I am trying to stay away from sugar as I do believe it is so bad for you. I've got a lovely girlfriend who…
  • Morning Kent I have gone up and down half a stone for a few years now. I am not terribly overweight, but I need to lose a few and be ahead of the game as I am…… short! All this encouragement is fantastic and it will help to keep me off the "Ch" food group. It's not just about looking good in my clothes, it's also about…
  • Morning from Surrey.
  • Thanks for that advice Vic. I did notice that everything I have eaten so far is very high in sodium. I actually never add salt when I am cooking as I don't like it and I will keep your advice in mind. Thanks.
  • Wow! That is a fantastic amount to lose and keep off! I am going to keep trying! Love the calorie counter and have been checking my calories before I eat them! I've been told I've got the O to the C to the D. :) Thanks for the encouragement.