Back Surgery and Exercising

Hi...I am 52 and 3 years ago I had back surgery for my sever scoliosis and was unable to do anything for over 8 months and gained over 70lb. I have a very hard time exercising because of the rods and screws in my back. Does anyone else have this problem and can give me some advice on what I can do? I also just joined the YMCA. I just became a member and would love to get help and encouragement, my daughter is doing this with me also, so I do have some support but would love to have more! Thanks and have a great day! :flowerforyou:


  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    How many levels did you have fused? And where? What does your surgeon say?

    I have back surgery over 10 years ago and it took me a long time to become active again. I started by walking. Then after a major setback (incomplete fusion) and physical therapy spent a long time strengthening my core. Now that I've learned how to protect my back I can do anything and I stop if it hurts. I've also had neck surgery in 2012.

    It would be worth a call to your surgeon and maybe some physical therapy to learn what exercises you should or shouldn't do if your insurance will allow it. Or a very educated personal trainer to learn proper form.
  • Hi Mom! I'm glad to see that you posted on here. I hope that you get some really positive and useful feedback. You've got this! <3
  • I have rods and screws extending from T5 through L2 through S1 so basically from my hips to into my upper shoulders, with degenerative disc disease into my neck to the base of my skull. The last surgeon I saw told me it was just a matter of time before I have to have my neck fused also. :( My first surgery was a of the screws popped out so they had to go in and go up another level. I just got done doing my 3rd round of PT, have gotten great exercises to strengthen my core and back. Walking for me is so painful but I can do the bike at the Y with little or no pain. Thank you for giving me hope that I will be able to do this. You are doing great!! I hope I can have the same success as you!:flowerforyou:
  • meganreinsch
    meganreinsch Posts: 30 Member
    Hi MaryLynn - I have no words of advice as I am two weeks away from Spinal fusion surgery with rods from T10 to L4 to correct scoliosis. As I have been very active in fitness and bodybuilding classes, I am terrified that I will never lift weights again. I pray the best of luck to you and I will hope you update this forum with your progress. I will let you know if I find any exercises in the future which are possible for someone with a fused spine.
  • ntdcruz
    ntdcruz Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to MFP. I had/have chondrosarcoma and have had a hemisacrectomy (2012). This involved the removal of half my sacrum and fusion of my hips and lower back. I also gained a lot of weight and am trying to get it OFF! I have a terrible body image problem at the moment. Looking for friends that are working through similar limitations and pain issues...
  • Hi I've also had back surgery 3 years ago and the best advice I got was from my trainer. Pain is normally defined on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being the highest and 0 meaning no pain. When I first started working out and it was painful my trainer said to me if my pain got to a 6, I was probably ok, anything above that and you are damaging yourself. Take is very slowly, start carefully. Hydrotherapy and swimming is also good.

    Just want to let you know that you can do it! Good luck with your recovery.

  • redmichelle67
    redmichelle67 Posts: 49 Member
    I have had back surgery and 10 more other. Sugery bur water is the best for people like us . Try water to work out in !!!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I am 4 months post op from spinal fusion surgery. As of right now I am only walking 2 miles 4 times a week and stretching. I am allowed to lift free weights. My PT and Neurosurgeon highly suggested water exercises, like water aerobics for me as well. Maybe walking in a pool would be easier for you than on pavement. Hope you get well soon. Sorry for your pain. Surgery recover takes such patience, sometimes I have very little of it.