Hello from London :)

Hi to all of you out there in cyberspace trying to lose weight like I am. I want to lose about a stone/14lbs as it has crept up on me over the last 5 years when I was not looking!

Love this website! My daughter suggested it to me as she is trying very hard to lose a few pounds too. She is away at Uni. and a great girl. My problem is I love the "CH" food group… cheesecake, chocolate, chips and some of their cousins too, like cookies and cake! There is just so much CHoice! :) After all the recent articles in the news about how bad sugar is for you I have more or less cut it out of my diet except sugar in my tea and coffee. A girls gotta live a little dangerously.

Not great weather to go out running at the moment, should probably take up rowing!! So any encouragement is welcome!



  • Hello from Kent
    Good luck with the diet, we certainly have the weather at the moment for a little rowing ... Haha
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    Hi, I'm in Bristol.

    Don't TRY, DO!

    And don't make big changes which you can't keep up. I've been maintaining for a year having lost 2st (28lbs) and am 5'2.5 female.

    I lost with Biggest Loser website but set my cals at 1400/day as I refused to starve and refused to hurry - well it hadn't worked in the past unless you count excellent wt lost but regained as a diet "working"!!
  • Wow! That is a fantastic amount to lose and keep off! I am going to keep trying! Love the calorie counter and have been checking my calories before I eat them! I've been told I've got the O to the C to the D. :) Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    Hey from London, welcome! Make sure that your entries correspond with the nutritional info at the back of any food (if it has it), i have found that the database can be very misleading and often leads some people to maintain their weight or even gain it because a lot of the entries are not accurate e.g. no sodium info, inaccurate carb grams etc, so always double check the back and create your own food if need be.

    When logging things like fried eggs, don't pluck the figures off mfp as it doesn't take into account what each person has used e.g. salt, coconut or olive oil (if so, how much), weigh and measure everything. Better to log each ingredient you used than take someone's finished product info which might not match your ingredients.

    Good luck
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Good morning from Surrey (Greece originally) Anyone is welcome to add me :)
  • Thanks for that advice Vic. I did notice that everything I have eaten so far is very high in sodium. I actually never add salt when I am cooking as I don't like it and I will keep your advice in mind.

  • TimothyWHughes
    TimothyWHughes Posts: 20 Member
    Good morning, London! This is Kent calling.


    MFP is a great site. There are always people around to help and encourage, you're going to nail this just fine!

    The best advice I've been given is to build the occasional treats into my allowances. In the past I've tried to be good ALL the time and it led to binges. Now I have a couple of treats a week and don't binge.

    Good luck with your loss.

  • Morning from Surrey.
  • evamclaughlin9
    evamclaughlin9 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning from Maine. Good luck and MFP is great for motivational support from friends.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    morning from nottinghamshire, lovely sunny day (for now) up here, hope your weathers improved and you've not been affected by the flooding x

    if your wise with your calories there is no need to cut out the foods you love, i lost 80lbs and ate chocolate (normal uk standard bar) everyday, i also managed to maintain that weight loss for 18 months before starting back here in january pushing for goal this year

    as others have said beware of the database, it might be a little time consuming but if your making something add your own recipe ingredients into the recipe thingy (sorry couldn't think what it was called) DONT rely on other peoples homemade recipes, as you dont no what they have put into them

    good luck x
  • Morning Kent

    I have gone up and down half a stone for a few years now. I am not terribly overweight, but I need to lose a few and be ahead of the game as I am…… short!

    All this encouragement is fantastic and it will help to keep me off the "Ch" food group. It's not just about looking good in my clothes, it's also about feeding my body good, wholesome food. I wanna last a long time!

    Since I've cut down my sugar in take drastically I don't crave the sugary stuff too much. Of course I cheat! Food is one of life's greatest pleasures!

  • Morning Nottinghamshire

    Yes, we in London have sun too! It's just wonderful! I feel like I should get out there and run a marathon before the rain comes!!!

    I know what you are saying about giving yourself treats, but I am trying to stay away from sugar as I do believe it is so bad for you. I've got a lovely girlfriend who is a nutritionist and 10 years older than me and looks fantastic! She is far more disciplined than I am, but as a result is fit and that is what I am really aiming for.

    I hate cooking so never really look up recipes as I can't be bothered to hunt down ingredients. Cook most nights though, simple, healthy and fresh, not always tasty! :)

    Thanks for your support.

  • Hi (from the Surrey/London borders)!

    Welcome to MFP - it's always nice to see other Brits on here :)

    My main tip for MFP is to always log everything - good and bad. You are only accountable to yourself and it can help to spot trends :)
  • nickowastaken
    nickowastaken Posts: 751 Member
    Hello! Another from Surrey here. Welcome to MFP :)