nikie_grey Member


  • Starting...Or starting again! Well I got distracted by life and let the stress of it interfere with my healthy new lifestyle. No more! I joined a gym with friends. I am hoping with the cost, the company and the resources I will keep my focus. We signed up with the In Shape Sports center in Tracy and it is a stunning…
  • Welcome aboard; You sound great and look AMAZING! What city and club are you working out at and how are they helping you along? What does a membership there cost and would you recommend it to others in your area? Losing weight to be healthier for a pregnancy is a great goal and shows your mindset and how you will be as a…
  • WELCOME TO THE GROUP! Those are some REALLY great goals and should help keep you motivated. When I was trying to lose weight to have another baby, what helped me was find touch stone item. I wrote my goal on my bathroom mirror so that every morning when I start your day I would see it and be reminded of why I was going to…
  • I have yoyoed up and down a lot in the last 15 years. I don't find my libido changes, just my comfort level in initiating sex. When I am actively losing weight I feel sexy so I initiate, where as when I am going up, I feel ugly so I tend to want it, but get more passive about expressing the need for sex. For me it's more a…
  • A) I can't afford a gym pass at the moment so home it is B) I hate my body so wouldn't go to the gym right now ANY WAY! So here I am, heart in hand and ready to work. I have been going for a brisk walk every day for a week now and started yoga from home this week as well. I am hoping to get up to a steady and daily jogging…
  • I've been on here a few days now and am just starting to poke around more then the tracking my food. I am a single mom of three and very much need to get healthy to keep up with my little brood. Please feel free to add me ANY ONE who is looking to lose more then 50 lbs and is looking for a long term weight lose buddy.
  • Hi! I am VERY new to the site and looking to build up a support group as well. I am a social person and I hope that if I have people to connect to on here I will track my food and be activities more frequently. If I can do that then I will be forced to be accountable for what I am eating or doing both right and wrong. I am…