Don't get discouraged if you weigh yourself and you are a pound heavier than you were the day before. This could just be from water weight and not actual fat developing on your body. If the scale is going to have an effect on your mentality when it comes to losing weight then you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday. Try just…
I've read a ton of different theories on whether apple cider vinegar actually causes weight loss and how it accomplishes this. After some research I have come to my own conclusion that it is not a "miracle liquid." It might help in weight loss but not because it is doing something extraordinary inside your body. It seems…
Yes it is possible to increase your metabolism. One way of doing this is to increase the FREQUENCY in which you eat. This does NOT mean you have to eat more food than you normally do. It is suggested that you should eat around 6-7 small meals a day, spaced about 2-3 hours apart from each other. And "meal" doesn't…
Thanks for the welcome. I already like what I am seeing from this site. I've been to a bunch of fitness sites and a lot of them are filled with muscle heads or immature teenagers that just like to make fun of people.
Climbing stairs is a great way to burn calories. It can be strenuous but it doesn't have to be high intensity if you don't want. Just move at whatever pace you feel comfortable with. I climb about 500-600 flights of stairs a week. I go on the Stairmaster after every workout for about 20 min. Depending on the intensity it…
It all depends on my mood that day. My workout music ranges from metal to hip hop. Metal - Children of Bodom, Kalmah Rock - Metallica, Alice in Chains Hip Hop - Roots, Slaughterhouse I know there's other stuff but that's all I can think of right now.