jarpan Member


  • Thanks for the advice. I will definitely eliminate the calorie deficit for 2 weeks. If I don't feel better, I will stop Keto and go back to a whole foods anti-inflammatory diet. I will also look into a more structured routine in the next few weeks as well. I will continue to weight train now to build my capabilities to be…
  • My calorie intake is figured out my Fitbit. I know it sounds really low but I am really short and petite. My BMR is only 1100 calories a day. Super jealous of those of you out there that can eat 2k a day and still be at a deficit!
  • I have maintained my weight between 122 and 113 for the last 18 years. I started keto at the weight of 121.6 six weeks ago. I have a fat loss percentage of about 2%. I can up the protein closer to 100g and even bump or save up my carbs closer to when I workout if I do not have the calorie deficit. Should I eat the carbs…
  • Thanks! Starting logging water today. That's my weakness. I never have been a big water drinker. I'm constantly dehydrated. I've looked over my calories and it's does seem I'm under by a bit. Thanks for the advice. I'm so jealous of taller people who can drop 5 lbs in two weeks!
  • There is no specific way to lose fat in a target zone. Your best bet is to continue to do the cardio to lose the overall body fat and tone your stomach. I know that making sure you workout all the areas of the abs are important. So several different ab targeting exercise will work the best. Good luck. -Jeni :heart:
    in Help? Comment by jarpan March 2011
  • I am on my second day as well and love this site too!! Good luck. -Jeni :heart: