Less then 1200 calories net.

I am only 5' 1" and 122.5 lbs. After delivering two children in less then 18 months I have obvious fat zones. When I set my goal loss I always am at 1200 net calories because my bmr is so low bc I'm small. I use my fitbit to track actual calories burned usually it's around 1700 calories. I have been logging for 12 days and staying in the net calories (sometimes under) but after the initial water weight loss (I was dehydrated) I haven't lost anything for the last 9 days. I was wondering who else has set their net goal under 1200 calories or should I just have patience? I am looking for a long term weight loss of only 6 lbs but that is still 5% of my body weight.


  • moominpoo
    moominpoo Posts: 31 Member
    If you only have 6lb to lose maybe a less aggressive calorie deficit is needed- like 0.5lb a week?
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Hi, I went through a period of time where I was accidentally eating like 800-900 calories per day (net) because I'd eat normally and work out like a demon. It will definitely work, but if you're anything like me, it's not sustainable. I lost about 10lbs over two months, but I started suffering shakes and weird headaches and all kinds of nasty side effects because I didn't realize how little fuel my body was getting for the work I was making it do. I rubberbanded hardcore and gained it all back.

    I suggest netting 1200 every day, eating low-sodium foods unprocessed, and drinking like a gallon of water a day. It'll fall right off.
  • jarpan
    jarpan Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! Starting logging water today. That's my weakness. I never have been a big water drinker. I'm constantly dehydrated. I've looked over my calories and it's does seem I'm under by a bit. Thanks for the advice. I'm so jealous of taller people who can drop 5 lbs in two weeks!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    I often do 1000 cals....just don't log it. No big deal! :)