Hello! I know the feeling oh too well. Busy and tired can make it difficult but it can be done. Please feel free to add me for support!
You don't need have DETERMINATION! You can do this!
I'm with you! Re starting again but determined this time! Please feel free to add me if you would like!
Great post and so well said. I know how you feel. It was so bad I don't think I even knew what it felt like to be hungry. When I felt tired - I ate. When I felt happy - I ate. When I felt stressed - I ate. You can do this and retrain your mind and body! Please feel free to add me. This is a great place with lots of solid…
Good luck! I am in the same boat. Lost 35 pounds doing the biggest loser contest at work last year and then gained back some of that weight since June. You can do this! Please feel free to add me if you would like. Happy New Year!
My friend told me that her doctor told her that she has a really slow metabolism. She is an avid exerciser and eats pretty healthy for the most part. He told her that her metabolism is just slow. I think building muscle can help change that though!
This is a great answer and right on target! Knowledge IS power! I also was underestimating my caloric burn and underrating. Now I am not hungry, feeling great AND losing weight. Fit bit has been a huge help!
Good luck! Please feel free to add me!
I struggle with this too! I have been using this lemon pepper by McCormick to season my food instead of salt. If you cut back on salt, it is hard at first, but then you start to really enjoy the flavor of food without it. Good luck!
Please feel free to add me!
Please feel free to add me! Good luck!
Susie, I did cut out all sugar on the 17 day diet for the first phase…sort of a "detox" and had great results. After that I switched to a sensible calorie goal and balanced diet using MFP. I have lost 26 pounds since January 6th. After cutting out sugar for a week or so, I found those cravings went away and I felt so much…
Congratuations!!!! GReat job!!!
Please feel free to add me!:) Good luck!
Please feel free to add me! Support is half the battle! Good luck!
Welcome! People on here are so supportive! Please feel free to add me! :) And Best of Luck!
Thank you!
got it!
Great post! Thank you!
Wow! Christine - 40 pounds is great. You should feel really proud of yourself for sticking to it. I have had similar results in the past. Losing weight and then gaining back. This time I am determined to keep my healthy lifestyle choices. You can do it!
Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, LA, have shown that when people significantly reduce their calorie intake, they undergo a metabolic adaptation that results in a slower metabolic rate.
Good luck! Motivation is the key and we could all use some!:
Also, make sure that your calorie intake isn't too low. When I have hit a lull, I usually find I am not eating enough calories. Your body can go into " starvation mode" adjusting your metabolism to hold on to pounds. I agree that changing up your exercise routine helps too. Good luck and let us know how you do!