

  • I have what I think is a common problem for men (like me) who are out of shape. I'm carrying about 50 lbs too many and my stomach is rather large, but I wear a 36 in jeans. Why? Because my hips are so much smaller than my spare tire! I pull the pants up to just below the bottom of the guy and go tight with the belt. I'm…
  • Every.....little...bit! Good for you. Many more (and bigger) successes will follow!
    in YES!! Comment by hereisgone15 March 2010
  • Nope, not a joke. That was "Meal" #5. Meal #6 was a protein bar. Six small ones, with P, C, F evenly (almost) distributed through them, every 2 1/2 hours or so. It is supposed to keep the metabolism firing and keeps me from being hungry :) The six-inch would have been fine, but the foot long was definitely overkill. The…