

  • WOW...what an amazing weight loss!! And...I reckon you need to meet Jackie :-)
  • I weight around 220lbs and have been burning around 340/350 cals on the treadmill in 30 mins but that only 8 mins of running (C25K programme). Heart rate gets an average of 162-165 (maximum 181). So I would probably guess that as long as you're working relatively hard on the machine, 950 cals is probably right. Saying…
  • Thank you all for such helpful information! Seeing some of your HR info makes me realise how absolutely shockingly unfit I am - well, I already knew but that's just another thing!! I'm tracking my average and maximum during every treadmill workout so it will be interesting to see it improve (hopefully!) over time!
  • Thanks very much! I always thought your Max Heart Rate was fixed at 220-Age so mine would be 192-193. Although I've never gone past 182 I think. 85% is 164 and that's what I'm averaging on a 30 mins walk/run - would be great to get down to this when I'm able to jog a 5k.
  • I don't get itchy just "losing weight" but do when I'm at the gym - usually around my lower arms/hands. Only when I'm working out though so not continually. If you're losing weight, have you changed any part of your lifestyle? Like are you eating something you didn't used to that you could be allergic to?
  • I bought the Polar FT4 and have been using it around a week. Think it's excellent - easy to navigate and set up. And only just over £50 on Amazon.
  • Actually, I might disagree with you on this. Depends on whether or not you could go for a full 30 minutes of 2.5 mins running and maybe 60 or 90 seconds walking. If you skip a week or 2, you're going to get to the point where only in a week or so you'll be doubling your running intervals - could you really do that after…
  • £54 on Amazon. I've started the C25K and about to start the 30 Day Shred alongside this (glutton for punishment I guess!) and have this on my Amazon Wish List to buy...keep swithering on whether or not to get it!!
  • Hi, I just got the 30 Day Shred today and hope to start tomorrow or Monday. Just want to check - are you meant to do 10 days at each level or just stick to what you feel comfortable with? Ok, I know comfortable is totally the wrong word but you get my drift. Comfortable enough that you can cope with it and aren't going to…
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