

  • That's the exact thing my trainer told me!
  • I am still working on that one. I catch myself eating, usually from boredom, but I try cleaning or going outside. Good luck to you! Hope you get it!
  • Welcome! I was like you, eating out ALL the time and it was hard to switch over. My favorite thing is grilling food. If you don't have a grill, I would invest in one. So many foods can be grilled and taste delicious. Also, a cast-iron skillet is easy to cook on as well, and with olive oil instead of butter, many of your…
  • LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I am 26 and have over 100 lbs. to lose. I just started my weight loss journey and would love some support as well. I read someone's post that they had an accountability partner and asked for more details. it seemed like basically they check in at the end of the day for how their calories turned out, any exercising, other…
  • Find canned veggies that won't upset your stomach and steam them in a microwave safe bowl for about 5 minutes with water. (cheap and health) Strawberries and fat free whipped cream for a sweet tooth. Can you eat asparagus? coat it in olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 350* for about 5-10 minutes, depending on…
  • I am right there with you. I've been a diet (some kind or another) since I was 16 and I'm still trying! I would love a diet buddy - we will succeed!
  • I have Zumba at home for the Wii and I love it! I feel like no matter your rhythm there's a spot for you. If I could afford to do it in a gym I would, I would imagine the intesity and fun level will be amazing! Let me know how it goes!