HELP! new to healthy lifestyle

ariihannasmommy Posts: 5
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been sooo unhealthy for a long time eating out and ordering food... and I've never really exercised so I don't really know how to. I have rods in my back so I'm limited tothings I can do(I think I baby myself too much for it) and lose motivation because of it. I have an 8month old daughter who I am with 24-7 so I'm looking for exercises I can do with her... or while she is taking her 20minute nap. I also really don't know how to cook healthy I'm use to making fried chicken and rice nd beans or fried porkchops... pretty much everything fried... so I could really use some recipesor cooking techniques... I'm new to the site so idk if there is a place to go for all this... if so it would be much appreciated if someone could direct me to these areas... thank u, danielle


  • Krkoch82
    Krkoch82 Posts: 13
    I was like you, eating out ALL the time and it was hard to switch over. My favorite thing is grilling food. If you don't have a grill, I would invest in one. So many foods can be grilled and taste delicious. Also, a cast-iron skillet is easy to cook on as well, and with olive oil instead of butter, many of your favorite dishes (chicke, pork chops, etc) can be cooked for less calories. Also, find a cookbook with lots of foods you'll love. I got one by Pillsbury and I would eat 90% of the food, and it's not difficult or expensive. Of course veggies and fruits are a must : ) be experimental, try one different fruit or veggie a week - I google how to prepare them : )

    As for exercise, I am not a huge exerciser, but I would think walking would be ok for your back, maybe water aerobics? Someone else might have better suggestions for that.

    Good luck!
  • Find a great water aerobics class! It is so easy on your body, yet burns the most calories. Problem with WA is that you burn so many calories that you are starving when you get done and want to just shovel food in your mouth! hahah

    I have an 8-month old as well, and the best thing I did was decided to home make all his food. This forced me to cook healthy for myself so that I can just throw whatever I made into a blender and make it for him. Forcing me to use no salt, no heavy creams or butters. I have lost 15 lbs since i started this.

    Good luck!
  • Thank you sooo much.... I absolutely loveee cooking on the grill... I just had to wait for goodweather and now I need propane lol. Ill have to google recipes and go to barnes and noble to find a good cookbook. Again... thank u.
  • Thank u rakmccallum... I didn't really think of WA and I absolutely loveeee the water... once I get in I never wantto get out... theonly thing with WA is I'm very self concious... and the food trick isa greattt idea...
  • Irish2002
    Irish2002 Posts: 17 Member
    i am also over weight and I am a Lifeguard, yea it sounds kinda funny. But I used to be very self concious so my choice of jobs seems very odd. But I have found out that being forced into wearing a bathing suit everyday makes me feel alot less self concious. Just give yourself some slack and remind yourself it is only clothes. And believe me it will get easier every time. I have even been seen in a two piece. granted it is in my back year, but until I started this line of work you would never have caught me in one. Stay strong and have fun with WA.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Welcome to the site! I've had to start cooking since I have been doing this. I hated cooking before so I went out to eat a lot and ordered a lot of take out. You may want to look through the recipes section, I have also found some great recipes here: Good luck on your weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Hi Danielle--
    WELCOME!!! You have come to a great place for support and ideas.

    For food -- fresh fruits and veggies can't be beat. Oven bake your chicken, or fix it in the crockpot with some salsa. If you check out the recipe section, you will find TONS of ideas for cooking light and eating more healthily.

    For exercise -- put your baby in the stroller and walk, walk, walk! That is really the only exercise I do, and I am now 60 pounds lighter than I was 5 years ago. Perhaps invest in some DVDs (I have a couple, but don't really use them). Others on this site can recommend some to you. You can work out to the DVD while your daughter is sleeping. I do use the Walk Away the Pounds DVD by Lesley Sansone. My daughter will be home from college this summer, and our goal is to tone up. She's has done a great job not gaining weight, but knows she isn't as toned as she was when she was playing sports in high school.

    Good luck on your journey.....and this is a change you need to make to your LIFEstyle if you want to be successful. A DIEt will only work in the short term for most people. Eat healthy, work out, and love yourself.
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