Married But Boring



  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    DeenaSteelerGirl Posts: 421 Member
    Love the Steeler helmet. I am a PA girl myself.. Black -n- Gold all the way. I am north of Pittsburgh. In the Lower Burrell area. Well good luck to you. I am new to the site. Add me if you would like.. and we can support each other or talk about our Steelers. How bout Hines on Dancing with the Stars??? I know your a guy.. you may not be following that. lol But he is doing great ! Love me some Hines : )
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Love the Steeler helmet. I am a PA girl myself.. Black -n- Gold all the way. I am north of Pittsburgh. In the Lower Burrell area. Well good luck to you. I am new to the site. Add me if you would like.. and we can support each other or talk about our Steelers. How bout Hines on Dancing with the Stars??? I know your a guy.. you may not be following that. lol But he is doing great ! Love me some Hines : )

    Thanks. Hines is my favorite player, so I am rooting for him. Not a show that is on my DVR list, but I will watch it if I am not busy.
  • ?
  • lol
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member

    Y the question mark?
  • Krkoch82
    Krkoch82 Posts: 13
  • ?

    Y the question mark?
    weird posts
  • ?

    Y the question mark?
    weird posts
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member

    Y the question mark?
    weird posts

    we try.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I leave town and the place dies... SHEESH!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Everyone is taking that boring title a little too serious. I gess everyone was away or busy this past weekend.

    I was in Dallas all weekend, not counting the 4 hour drive there and back. I did manage to login in iwth Iphone and update me food log and status.

    Is this thread dead? Time to start a new one? HMMMM.
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    sorry guysss I worked all weekend. And slept all day saturday pretty much. Was up for over 28 hours when I finally got home from work Saturday morning and fell asleep and slept until 4:30 :tongue:

    sooo...whats up everyone? how was your weekend?? Do anything fun an exciting?

    tomorrow is weigh-in day for me and Im thinking I lost NOTHING! but who cares? OH WELL. I know im gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat sooo...honestly the "scale number" doesnt bother me-- id rather see pants fitting, etc etc and they are so YAY

    Everytime I see the lap giraffe on TV now I laugh and my husband looks at me funny, BTW.

    woah...I just re-read what I wrote and holy hell I AM MARRIED AND BORING!! sorry. ill try to be more exciting.:yawn:
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I spent the weekend in Dallas at a cousins wedding. Lots of fun but way too much food. I did do good on the drinks and only had one cocktail. Cocktail, that almost sounds too dirty for thus thread, oh well. My wife had a few cocktails and was feeling no pain byt the end of then night, i was worried I might have to carry her form the car to the hotel room, but she made it.

    It was a 4 hour drive to Dallas and then back, I did good in the car, packed my own snacks and only stopped for water and gas. Yay me!

    Keep building that muscle. As long ad you are ffeling good and the clotes are fitting better, the number on the scale means little, I think they call that recompositioning. Loosing fat, gainging muscle but weighing roughly the same.

    I am already on the waiting list for a pettite lap giraffe.
    So I go tthat going for me.

    We are all married and a little boring, that's why we are here.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I was also gone all weekend, near Dallas actually. My mom lives in a tiny speck, that doesn't show up on most maps, Fairfield, TX. I ate ALOT... seriously lol. My mom made pork roast and mashed potatoes and peas and home made bread Saturday, I didn't eat the bread... not that it would have mattered considering what I DID eat for dinner lol. And Sunday she made Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green bean casserole. I ate like crazy all weekend, I really did lol.
    BUT I fished, hiked carrying my 23lb toddler, walked ALL OVER the 8 acre pasture, fished some more, and had a stand off with an angry brahma bull. I worked off all my calories and then some! Oh, and I drank my weight in water... It felt like 150 degrees out in that pasture! We also used a little "southern ingenuity" and turned a 100 foot roll of plastic into a slip-n-slide for my kids and they seemed to enjoy it so much that my sisters and I HAD to join it.
    It was truely an amazing weekend and I realized just how much I love living out in the sticks and I miss it so much. Only 17 1/2 years lefts of army life...

    I also did pictures of my baby sister in her prom dress, omg wow she's beautiful! I'll post a few pics from this weekend at some point today! =)
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Sounds like you had a great weekend. Lots of home cooking. Nothing like the comfort food mom makes huh?

    See you were so close to Dallas, you couldve met me and the wife for dinner.

    Glad you had a good trip don't know if it belongs on this thread though, it didn't sound boring at all, especially with the slip and slide, fishing and staring donw a bull.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I honestly have NO clue how far it is to Dallas from moms lol.

    Yes, I have definitely betrayed the boringness of married life. And can I just point out that, while I am perfectly capable of handling the damn livestock, my brother-in-law was standing OUTSIDE the fence watching my sister and I coax the angry 1300 pound BULL into the pen by ourselves. I mean... really?! So much for southern values, right?!

    I put a few pictures from the weekend in my photos, I don't know how to post them in here lol
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Fairfiled tx is about 4 hours from San Antonio (where I live) and about 2 hours from dallas, I think.

    Your brother in law was proabbaly just respecting the women's right struggle and didn't want to make it seem like you needed a man to save you. I get that. I respect that. Good for him. Becasue, you could and did handle it. You go girl!

    Nice pictures, looks like the kids were having fun in the mud.

    I have a few to post form our Dallas weekend and the wedding. I will get to it tonight.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    did you see me rocking the polka-dot rubber boots and the swim suit cover-up? That was a topic of conversation for the entire family all weekend lol. Even funnier was Iput the boots on (to chase frogs with my oldest) right before my little sister came home to take pictures for prom, I offered to trade her black dress for my hot pink one, but she declined lol. Not that her dress would fit me... but it will SOON!

    no, my brother-in-law just didn't wanna work! LOL
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    looks like fun!!!!

    i, too am on the list for a lap giraffee. did u watch the live feed of them?!?!?!

    i am jelous of the slip n slide!! we make one with a tarp at the cabin over the summer....always a good time. I have the next 2 days off and tomorrow is mine and matt's anniversary! :o) Well...kinda. its when we started seeing each other haha

    its nice out today-- gonna take the dog out for a walk later. and then workout yeaaaa

    hope everyones having a good day!!!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I watch the live feed quite often lol. I NEEEEEED a lap giraffe!

    Happy (kinda) anniversary!

    I didn't workout yesterday cuz I was a bum, and today I'm not gonna work out either, but I am cleaning my house like a mad woman because my MIL is coming soon... so I'm def burning off my calories!!!
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