I need healthy Snack ideas! HELP!!

brow5204 Posts: 17
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I have posted about this in various forums, blogs and such and I can never find someone to reply to me. Please read this and help me!

A few years ago, I discovered that I had a nut intolerance (guffaws and laughter understood). I would get terrible debillitating stomach ahces when I ate most very oily nuts (pistachios, almonds, walnuts, and cashews). Peanut butter didn't have an effect and I can eat small amounts of roasted pecans and wal nuts...but almonds (my favorite) make me sick every time. I found out that nuts were the cause by process of elimination with my doctor who thought it could be anything from lactose intolerance to gluten intolerence. Lucky for me, I can still have Pasta and milk products, but I feel like an efficient protein has been taken from me.

A few months ago, when I started dieting seriously, I found that I got the same gut wrenching pains when I ate certain types of raw vegetables. Lettuces such as romaine don't make me hurt, but carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and all of the other yummy snackable veggies throw me into a cold sweat and within minutes, I am unable to move because the pain is so bad.

I have had two Dr. appointments and on the second one, the Dr gave me Prilosec...I don't get it but whatever. I think they are just blowing me off because the pain didn't kill me and I refuse to go to the hospital while I am having an episode. I just prefer to avoid the cause alltogether.

This has left me on a very limited diet however. I am taking a multi vitamin to try and make up for nutrients lost, and I can eat cooked veggies, but I am on the go for 14-16 hours a day so I tend to eat a lot of carbs and meat proteins. Oh yeah, and I am on a limited income so fancy diet shakes and food are not an option.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I want to know what kinds of things to eat, or maybe some creative ways to cook veggies so I can take them in my lunch.



  • pickles, clementines, yogurt, babybel light cheese, edamame
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    Have you tried roasting chickpeas?! This could be a tasty snack, replacement for nuts (hardy har har).....
    Can you eat fruit? yogurts? low fat cheese sticks? I would recommend these as healthy snack options
    what about hummus and light crackers?
    Edamame is a great snack!
    unsalted pop corn....

    Sorry about all your allergies....definitely a bummer.

    Hope these suggestions help!
  • eau_de_vie
    eau_de_vie Posts: 13 Member
    I keep a baggie of shelled, hard boiled eggs in my refrigerator at all times. Easy to grab and go and a filling source of protein. Do veggie drinks such as V8 cause problems?
  • I love weight watches mozzerella cheese sticks, yogurt, smoothies (you can have fruit right?), toast
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    my fav snacks are pretzel sticks! also a handful of popcorn is a good source of protein. Maybe you can try different types of fruits :)
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    How do you tolerate spinach? When I need a snack, sometimes I make a shake. I put a scoop of whey protein, some strawberries and spinach and blend it with ice. You can't taste the spinach at all. It tastes like a strawberry smoothie, but still getting some leafy nutrients from the spinach too.

    I hope this helps.
  • Krkoch82
    Krkoch82 Posts: 13
    Find canned veggies that won't upset your stomach and steam them in a microwave safe bowl for about 5 minutes with water. (cheap and health)

    Strawberries and fat free whipped cream for a sweet tooth.

    Can you eat asparagus? coat it in olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 350* for about 5-10 minutes, depending on how crispy you like it.

    I have tons of ideas and recipes, just let me know exactly what you do and don't like and I can send them to you : )
  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    Have you tried roasting chickpeas?! This could be a tasty snack, replacement for nuts (hardy har har).....
    Can you eat fruit? yogurts? low fat cheese sticks? I would recommend these as healthy snack options
    what about hummus and light crackers?
    Edamame is a great snack!
    unsalted pop corn....

    Sorry about all your allergies....definitely a bummer.

    Hope these suggestions help!

    I was gonna say hummus, yogurt and low fat cheese. You can make "potato" chips out of kale or swiss chard. Look up kale chips.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Greek yogurt? Vanilla is my new favorite snack! I had some (Oikos - Organic Greek Yogurt - Vanilla) today and 1 cup has 22g of protein! Mix a little cinnamon and it ROCKS!
  • QRoot
    QRoot Posts: 3
    I have gluten and lactose allergies - I feel your pain! I like to eat Lundberg brown rice crackers, sugar snap peas in the pod, fresh cut up pineapple, tuna seasoned with sea salt and pepper, Terra Exotic veggie chips, plain popcorn and greek yogurt. I drink Nativa Yerba Mate its a healthy coffee alternative, and it seems to help curb my appetite a little bit.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Laughing cow cheese with crackers
    Skinny Cow ice cream bars
  • -non-fat (plain) Greek yogurt
    -spread hummus over iceberg lettuce and roll it up
    -hardboiled egg
    -any fruit: bananas are good for the stomach (not the green ones though)
    -avocado spread over whole grain bread
    -protein shakes?
    -slices of tomato with a teaspoon of olive oil on a whole grain slice of bread (or two)
    -mozarella string cheese
    -cottage cheese
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    Weight Watches has some amazing cookies and cream ice cream bars.. i got the giant ones for 130 calories each and they are amazing and yummy!! Soooo worth it!

    Also cheese sticks, protein bars, hard boiled eggs, low cal popcorn, yogurt..

    just some ideas.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I keep a baggie of shelled, hard boiled eggs in my refrigerator at all times. Easy to grab and go and a filling source of protein. Do veggie drinks such as V8 cause problems?

    I second this, I love hard boiled eggs as snacks and also low fat cheese sticks! As far as fruits, I do berries because they are low on sugar compared to other fruits.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    This is going to sound odd, but bear with me...

    Watch your vitamin A toxicity.


    You say you're taking a multivitamin, AND eating a lot of veggies, and it gives you gut-wrenching pain, right? When I was eating at the cafeteria I had a salad with carrots at every meal, and within a month, I was having gut-wrenching pain, nausea, and hair loss. When I realized that pumpkin had the same effect, I finally put 2 and 2 together.

    Vitamin A toxicity: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/126104-clinical

    Something to think about!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Also - Vitamin A is fat soluble, which means that if you get too much, you don't just get rid of it in the urine. You might try stopping or changing your multivitamin to see if it affects your reaction.
  • summadmak
    summadmak Posts: 44
    Have you tried soy beans?
  • brow5204
    brow5204 Posts: 17
    Also - Vitamin A is fat soluble, which means that if you get too much, you don't just get rid of it in the urine. You might try stopping or changing your multivitamin to see if it affects your reaction.

    Thanks that is interesting! I wasn't taking a multi vitamin until I found I was unable to eat vegetables. Still, this is something to think about.
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    I like:
    Apples dipped in p.b.
    Stretch Island fruit leathers
    Lightly salted plain popcorn
    Whole wheat toast with earth balance buttery spread & sometimes jelly
  • ouzolemonade1
    ouzolemonade1 Posts: 7 Member
    For a sweet treat I have sugar free Jelly WW yogurt in a meringue nest:) x
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