JonnyQwest Member


  • Well, here is my two cents....of course 1200 calorie diets work, I am a case in point.....started January 2nd and lost 40 pounds in less than 3 months (no lie) by doing massive amounts of cardio and 1200 calories a day. Felt great actually doing it but then where does that leave when you are done losing the weight? You…
  • Yes it's sodium! Happens to me every time.....drink a lot of water with lemon juice for a couple of days and it will flush out.
  • You can do strength training only and you will end up with a better body when it's all said and done (than doing it with cardio alone)....will take longer but will be worth it.
  • The Promise - When In Rome I Ran - Flock of Seagulls Pictures of You - The Cure Strangelove - Depeche Mode CCCP - American Soviets ......I could go on and on.
  • You got a LOOOOONG ways to go before you need to worry about being too bulky. Just get in the gym and workout along with a reasonably healthy diet and see where it takes you. You arent going to wake up overnight and be the Incredible Hulk......just take it one workout at a time and adjust your goals as you go along. Dont…
  • More protein while dieting will help you maintain what muscle you do have while you lose weight but you will need to lift weights as well.....for the most part you wont gain muscle in a deficit.
  • been wondering this the process of doing the same thing.....finally decided to go with about a 500 calorie surplus and figured I could cut it down from there periodically as needed. seems easier to lose weight than it is to gain muscle so why not just gain a bit of muscle then cut as needed? I have never…
  • BOOOOOOM!! Good Job, I started on January 2nd so I know what you can do in a short time with commitment. Keep it up! ;-)
  • my wife and I just started on 5/5 also, add me ;-)
  • Nonsense, don't overthink healthy and count calories to a certain extent but don't worry if your not hitting 1750 because there are too many variables that go into this to know exactly what your intake actually is.....if you are losing weight, keep it up and get it over with so you can move into heavy lifting…
  • I cycle on and off of IF and it works great to stay under calorie limits.....pick the 8 hours of the day you are the hungriest and eat all your calories during that time. Even when I don't stay strict on IF, I do tend to eat most of my calories in an 8 hour period as a general rule....try it out and see how it works- I…
  • Self employed....own an Architectural Design business (I draw residential blueprints for a living).
  • Daaaaamn! Badass! Much respect!
  • You shouldn't eat your calories back IMHO because there are way too many variables involved to accurately account for how many calories you are allowed to "eat back", it's nonsense to think you can get it down to the exact calorie....the body doesn't actually work like that so why waste your time trying to assume that it…
  • LOL! I had to Google what "gear" meant. Definitely not on gear......just want to add some muscle which is difficult at 40 so trying to find the optimal ratios for diet.
  • Realize if you are no longer feeling good and energized then whats the point? Start lifting weights, change up the routine, eat more to work harder in the gym, it will make you feel better physically and mentally. Obsession can be a good thing if used properly...but you have to know when to shut it of or change the focus…
  • Your body will tell you when to rest, trust me.
  • Intermittent Fasting is awesome, you pick any 8 hour window of the day to eat.....for me, its usually 3 PM to 11 PM because that is the window of time I am hungry....interesting because it throws the whole "you MUST eat breakfast, you cant eat after 6 PM" BS out the window.....I do it during the week and eat normally on…
    in fasting Comment by JonnyQwest April 2014
  • My "why" cut and pasted from my profile: -"Hit 40 and literally thought my life was over, I was drinking at the end of EVERY day to deal with the stresses of life/work, etc. I was on blood pressure medicine, cholesterol medicine and taking TWO medications for my nerves. Enough was enough......since the New Year/2014 I have…
  • Eat more, Train will end up where you want weight wise and actually look good too.....whats the point in losing weight if you cant even enjoy on 600 to 700 calories a day is plain torture. You are going to look like crap and feel like crap losing weight on that low of calories for an extended…
  • Here's what you do, instead of keeping it a secret be really obnoxious and flaunt it that much more.....they are just being typical jealous women. Women are horrible to each other, I don't know you how you ladies deal with it but I certainly wouldn't hide it. You work way too hard to let them shut you down....flaunt it…
  • Took the words out of my mouth, some of my best workout are when I thought I didn't have it in me but I pulled from down deep and worked out anyway-about halfway through you realize you can do anything you put your mind to....the feeling of accomplishment after is awesome! If you are genuinely sick or know that you have…
  • Yeah you clearly DONT need cardio or a 1200 calorie need to eat more and hit the weights hard....your body is a clean slate, start lifting weights and eating more clean meals, protein, etc. and you will get to where you need to have to have muscle to shape your body proportionally....cardio and diet…
  • I know people freak out about this but I never paid any attention to exercise calories and/ or eating them back while losing the weight (I just now entered my maintenance phase). I exercised ALOT and dieted hardcore and just got the weight off as fast as I humanly could.....I am not one to have patience enough to…
  • It works great for me because I eat when I am hungry rather than following the mantra of 6 small meals a day nonsense that everyone seems to be preaching these days. My window is from 3 PM to 11 PM which sounds crazy but those are the hours I am the hungriest and I also work out at night so I go with it. I dont do I.F. on…
  • If you are just starting out with a goal in mind and you are already thinking about cheat meals then you need to reevaluate your commitment....IMO you should be making progress and well on your way to success BEFORE this question of cheat meals becomes a thought in your mind. That being said, at your height and weight you…
  • You might want to make your diary public so people can logically critique your efforts diet wise. No one can help you if they don't know what kind of advice to give based on your actual efforts.....everything else is just feel-good BS that may make you feel better for about 5 minutes but what does that accomplish? Figure…