Wiley285 Member


  • I took four days off completely, then started back yesterday with a 15-minute row, then a 20-minute row today. I used BodyGlide, which went on pretty well (smoothly) for me. No chafing at all. The true test will come when I decide to do a 10k. Probably Saturday.
  • That comment for Bud was actually meant for you. I grabbed the wrong quote.
  • Is this where the phrase "hard *kitten*" comes from :).
  • Thank you for explaining this. Makes sense. I don't go by the extra allowance on sugar. I try to keep it between 30 and 40 grams a day. Then I can have days like today, where I had fresh peach, Blueberries and even ice cream. The hour and 20 minutes of cardio gave me extra sugar grams - 85 total. I ended the day at 80. B)
  • I don't think that's it. I burn similar exercise calories every day (hour of cardio), but it might be. If you burn more exercise calories does your sugar goal then go up?
  • I'm not saying CI/CO doesn't work. Of course it works. What I'm trying to say is that there are other factors that come into play that can speed your weight loss. What SCIENCE says is that the body processes what you eat in different ways. Some cause insulin spikes, which causes a rush to store fats. And yes, I have and…
  • I had always believed in calories in vs calories out. It's worked for me. But I went 4 months on a MFP calorie level that should have had me losing a pound and a half a week while doing between an hour and an hour and a half of cardio daily. For the last six weeks I even added in TRX workouts. I'd lost 3 pounds. Total.…
  • My experience is that I need to eat before I work out (not right before, of course) I'm usually in the gym about an hour after breakfast. If, for some reason, I don't have breakfast (rare), I notice a clear drop in stamina. The same things holds for me with water. If I'm at all dehydrated, my workout sucks.
  • I agree that calories in versus calories out is not always reliable. I've used MFP for a few years. The first time I dropped from about 235 to 182. The calories in / calories out plan worked fine for me. Over the last couple years (not using the app), my weight inched back up to 200 pounds. I decided to start tracking…
  • I always track my calories. You need to add in calories burned. If not, you risk being seriously malnourished. To get an accurate count, you need to compute your average heart rate during the individual exercise. It doesn't have to be perfect, but close with confidence. I do my cardiovascular at the gym. I take my heart…
  • My net goal is 1,360 a day, but I work out vigorously every day and usually record 700 to 800 exercise bonus calories a day. 700 would put my allowed intake at 2,060 - but I rarely hit that, even though I have wine or a cocktail almost every night. I think as important as the calories, though, is also the water. I drink…
  • 50 pounds is very realistic, but I suspect you might need to find a way to exercise, though. MyFitnessPal is a great tool. I'm sure you will find that the mere act of having to record your food will make you far more aware of what you are eating. I still eat anything I want, but am far less likely to add on helpings. I'm…