So sorry to hear you are going through the same thing. It's so awful isn't it?? I hope we both get results quickly. Feel better.
Thanks! I've been eating pretty much what I want, when my body is hungry....compared to eating hardly anything. Weights and cardio 6 times a week. It's going slow, but I'm comfortable with that!
NO look at least 10-15 years younger.
After finding my initial measurements on a post-it note on my desk... (oops....) and carefully measuring again, I can see I have indeed lost a total of 5 inches all over my body!!!!!!
Thanks so much. I've just been eating more (eating around my BMR) and I have a bowflex that hubby bought. I do that 4-6 times a week. I have been alternating legs, arms/back /chest shoulders, and not a lot of cardio but 2 times a week ....I should try a little more cardio! :D Thanks everyone!
Wow! Thank you so much everybody for your encouragement. I think sometimes you see yourself differently see yourself in the mirror every darn day. Your words have really put a spring in my step and have made me feel like I can conquer the world!!!!!! xoxoxoxox
Thanks! Perhaps the time of day I measure too? I tend to really bloat by end of day...I have IBS so I am really bloated a lot of the time. haha.
I too feel the same way around my period. You're a human being! Sometimes you do have to cave to cravings, for mental health! I allow myself to have something when I am pms'ing...for me it's cheezies! And remember, a crappy work out is better than no workout. Go outside for a walk. Get moving, that helps clear the pms for…
- really makes me feel better especially after such a horrible day! :sad:
Thanks....feeling especially down/depressed today so it's nice to hear that. :)
Hello! I am from Alberta! Woooo!
Thanks!!!! I am lifting heavy, and eating MORE. (Yum!) haha
I have the FT4 - LOVE it. On sale at london drugs last week!
Thanks! ^_^
can you tell me how you did that??? I uploaded to Photobucket and used their code for forums and blogs but it did not seem to want to show? I am new to this. Thanks!
That's amazing!!!! Way to go!
It is SO hard to up the calories all at once...takes time. I am stuffed ...constantly. But way more energy. Don't pay attention to that scale either! Look at the changes on your body. Takes 4-8 weeks to see real results. You look FABULOUS in your pictures!!!! :)
I am in the SAME BOAT!!!! I just started. Was on 1200 cals a day or less used to it. Wasn't hungry. NO starchy all. Unless I caved on a weekend and had pizza. Very dizzy. Could not lose any weight whatsoever and so so so so so tired. Posted on here a couple times, read some threads.....upped my calories…