Hey the competition is in Merrimac, but I think I will be in browning outside of Mulkwakee? Mike
heheh its at the end typically. I don't know. I'm virgin to the event :)
aladd you put up some good numbers. I'm like into my 3rd or 4th round of it, me and shawn t have a history haha.
you'll do fine Mignalg!!!!!!!!!!! If i beat you, just beat me in 2 weeks when you go at it again if you take on another insanity challenge.
Really. I'll have to give it a go than:). I've been trying to hold out till p90x mc2 comes out , but insanity looks tempting.
you'll get there. You sound dedicated just keep pushing, watch what you eat and show up for workouts committed. The definition will come :)
I think I did pretty well, my lower body feels like jello, thank you though :)
how is asylum. I was skeptical being only a 30 day program? haha man push up jacks rocked me i felt so whipped when i came to them.
Hey I like hearing it. I use to have very low confidence so when I hear a positive comment, i'm all about it :)
hey ill let you know my buddy is a heavy into vegan products, he'll know for sure.
13 and 14
Day 10 +11 , hehe forgot to post.
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7! HELLS YA. Literally no urge for it :)
Day 6
i have a pair and i like them.. I just use them to activate more leg muscles than i typically do. Not a full time shoe for me.
its 6 days a week an around an hour or 90 minutes. Sure people are ripped cause they ar marketing it to you. The programs are tough but if you are dedicated you can get through ti. I wouldn't get them though if you dont have a normal workout routine already because 6 days a week an hour a day is a lot to adjust too. I've…
Day 5
DAY 4 feeling great :). I'm back to my old self!
mmm i have turbofire but never went thru the videos. My coordination suxs on it.
DAY 3! I think its just like tv, its just there. Trying to keep up to date with peoples lives?
Day 2 without FB!
I just think facebook is the new age addiction like tv was to my prior generation. We aren't watching tv thats preventing us to do exercise, we are snooping around on the internet such as facebook.
heheh I'm just very addicted to interaction. Without a job I see myself stuck always on the computer doing school work, leaving facebook up with it. Its time to let go of that addicting site!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of great ideas here. So i'm looking to probably spend a grand if I do the side tattoo and it has a lot of color yes? I really like qt's idea about having a phoenix cry on half dead tree while the tears are repairing the other half. BUT I still want my tattoo to show that through these trials that I've gained my…
Ya I'm a pretty dramatic person so its always the whoa is me, but you know I don't really have it as bad as I could. I just need some more positive faces(MFP) to keep me on track. I feel like everyones posts are wonderful, and I'm really sold on that phoenix crying. Not sure on the oak tree though, really wanted to…
The phoenix was my initial idea years ago but when I looked up some of the tattoo images on google, I was no impressed. Hehe I've asked my friend to draw up what he can from what I am looking for. I'm really about experiences and I would like to have this experience. You only live life once and last few years I've def.…
I have a question. If I go into a tattoo place and have them draw me a tattoo. I can opt out of it but can i take their drawing as a reference? Also does it cost money for them to draw something??? Mike