30 Day challenge, Getting off Fb and doing something active

manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I know I am not the only one that hangs around facebook too long. Well today begins my journey! I am staying off facebook for a month and I encourage you to take that we used on facebook to do some form of exercise. I will just bump this with which day it is so people can see where everyone is if other people join.


P.S. DAY 1


  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    lol....i think it should apply to mfp too.......i was addicted to fb......and now i don't use it! all my time (way tooooooo much time) is spent here!!......so addicted
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Im there with you Mike!
  • krystleRD
    krystleRD Posts: 188 Member
    FB is over rated and very addicting... Im on MFP more than FB now lol
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Good for you Mike See I do something like that already. IF I am spending 2 hours on the computer I can spend 2 hours on myself that day.

  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    heheh I'm just very addicted to interaction. Without a job I see myself stuck always on the computer doing school work, leaving facebook up with it. Its time to let go of that addicting site!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    LOL This is funny cuz I just thought this morning that it used to be the first thing I did in the morning was to pop on FB. Now I get on here first! :happy:
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    I just think facebook is the new age addiction like tv was to my prior generation. We aren't watching tv thats preventing us to do exercise, we are snooping around on the internet such as facebook.
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Day 2 without FB!
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Well good luck on your mission - but can someone please tell me what the great attraction is to facebook? I just don't understand it at all!
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    DAY 3!

    I think its just like tv, its just there. Trying to keep up to date with peoples lives?
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    DAY 4 feeling great :). I'm back to my old self!
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Day 5
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Day 6
  • itsChristin
    itsChristin Posts: 4 Member
    You are doing Great Mike! Very proud of your progress!!
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Day 7! HELLS YA. Literally no urge for it :)
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Day 8
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Day 9
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    Day 10 +11 , hehe forgot to post.
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
  • manettaMikey
    manettaMikey Posts: 54 Member
    13 and 14
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